Helpful client-side mods

Discussion in 'ARMA' started by Skwisgaar, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Here are some client only mods that I've found helpful and you may as well. None of these are really required to play. I've tried to limit them to things that are useful but not "cheats", while some may not be fully immersive they aren't game-breaking either.

    As always I highly recommend using ArmaSync as your mod manager and game launcher. Many mods also require CBA A3 to work so I recommend getting that one and just always keeping it on.

    Blastcore A3 - enhanced visual FX especially for explosions
    Mr Burns Voice Stop - eliminates in-game radio callouts
    Speed of Sound - enhanced sound FX
    Full Screen Night Vision - just what it says (I haven't tried this one yet)

    Unlocked Uniforms - allows players to equip any factions uniforms/gear
    Outlaw Mag Repack - allows combining partial magazines into full ones

    ShackTack Stamina Bar - adds a small fatigue meter on the bottom left - actually downloads the entire ShackTack HUD pack, you can use just the stamina bar or all the rest as well
    Status HUD - displays heading (cardinal direction, not number bearing), health, stamina and FPS

    VTS Weapon Resting - allows weapon resting for steadier aiming on walls/objects - default control is CRTL+SPACE
    Switching Weapons While Moving - just what it says - under the config/controls/custom controls menu, use Custom 17 to bind a control for the handgun and/or Custom 18 to bind a control for your launcher. I used TAB+1 for the launcher so that I could easily reach it with my left hand while still using WASD. Does not work with mouse wheel scroll weapon switching, HAS to use custom keybindings.

    Any that I haven't tried will be updated or removed as I or others get to test them out. If anybody has some more to recommend please post them up.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    MostlyHarmless and gihzmo like this.
  2. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Adjustable Full screen night vision
    lsd_nvg is related to the other fullscreen nvg, the author of the full screen credits the author of lsd_nvg for his. lsd_nvg has the ability to be auto adjusting or manually adjusted. It only works on the base arma nvg's, so any mods that have special ones will not be modified. I've used this one in about every mod pack we have ever had and never found a conflict.

    Gear / Load Out Weight
    bw_loadcalc is a modification that allows you to see your loadout weight in kg in the inventory screen. We have used this in the past, or I may have just tested it with one of our mod packs in the past, either way its a way to have a bit more accurate way to state the weight of your load than "the bar is half way through the silencer." (I want to say this feature was also integrated into agm or one of the other larger modifications we used to use as well but I might be wrong)
    Skwisgaar likes this.
  3. Some updates, changed in OP as well -

    I could not get the digital compass bearing mod to work. May need more work that just installing and running but I didn't feel like diving deeper into it.

    The Status HUD and ShackTack HUD options are both good, the Status HUD is a little more traditional video game with numbers indicating health and fatigue where the ShackTack version is a bit more discreet. I was a bit disappointed the Status HUD didn't use bearing numbers for the heading indicator but something is better than nothing, especially if you don't have a GPS equipped.

    The gear / loadout weight indicator can be handy. More just for the sake of being informative if nothing else.

    Still haven't tried the night vision mods yet but the one MH posted looks better based on description.

    The Switching Weapons While Moving mod will be a blessing, on firing drill courses if nothing else. Not working with the mouse wheel is a bit annoying but if you find a keybinding that you can reach with your left hand while still moving it won't be a big deal (I used TAB+1 for my launcher).
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  4. Carl Corwyn

    Carl Corwyn Well Liked Thrall


    Disregard earlier, I suck cocks.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2015
  5. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking


    Roger, you suck chickens you weird bastard. They are for eating, not sucking.
    Carl Corwyn likes this.
  6. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    what is a good mod for having a good compas on the map view?
  7. Boombuni

    Boombuni Well Liked Thrall

    I don't think there IS a mod that changes the Compass on the map screen
  8. Pressing K will bring up the compass while looking at the map.

    Otherwise I haven't noticed anything, you can try browsing on Armaholic which is where I find almost all my mods.
  9. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Something that could be useful

  10. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Since this is no longer active it can be unstickied.
  11. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    These aren't an official mod pack, just helpful ones. While some are out of date they are still helpful for finding the latest versions so I'm leaving it up.