Laying waste to the Wasteland

Discussion in 'ARMA' started by Solomance, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    [IAm] Stratis Wasteland | $10,000 Start | Active Admins | Full

    Since we were cluttering up the other thread. Iv started this one!

    For war stories, tips tricks and tactics.

    Once Im home Ill get a good image of the map with the control points so we can christen the ground and whatnot to be on the same page (or grid square at least).

    Last night while I was testing out the patches, with Jim. We came under ineffective sniper fire.
    So while we ere narrowing down where it was coming from we were also sorting out the patch thing.

    Eventually he brok off and we moved on. Got the patches working (again they look badd ass!). Came under fire again withought being able to nail down his position even with thermals so we decided to hit the south V store to get a dron in the air. Crest a ride on our way and run right into the guy. Hanfull of belt fed rounds latter no more sniper and $40k as a very kind tip from him for the enjoyable engagement. :toast:
    Skwisgaar likes this.
  2. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    So... people on a sandbox server don't default to being insane assholes? I didn't think that was possible.
  3. I love it when snipers don't know how to zero their scopes :yar:
  4. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    There is so much I need to learn about this game, what specifically, do you guys think I should work on? Heli pilot? or another support role.
  5. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Harmless and I have got the pilot role pretty well down, and we hardley ever need one anyway. Medics are always good, and I don't think we have anyone specializing in AA.
  6. Well what do you want to do? What do you feel you would have fun doing? Even supporting roles for us are usually involved directly in combat ops, like medics and engineers.

    I will say that 99% of our time is spent on the ground, either on foot or in vehicles (mostly on foot). Helicopters are pretty much only used for transport and kinda rarely at that. You could set up and practice as a vehicle operator/gunner and focus on that, but really for what we do in the game there has to be at least some proficiency as a foot soldier.

    The other support role I can recommend would be as a drone pilot and JTAC. There are a few different drones that can be used to help with spotting and we sometimes regret nobody dedicating space to taking one. To carry a drone you have to dedicate your entire backpack space to the drone but they can be very useful for scouting.
  7. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    I was thinking drone, I hear you complain about that from time to time, for heli I was thinking something like close air support. I also heard you complain about heavy vehicles from time to time, I would be ok with a drone though for scouting, maybe JTAC, I will read up:)
  8. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    He didnt have the option to not leave it.:glee:
    gihzmo likes this.
  9. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    CAS is a touchy subject. The issue becomes, the pilot gets board because they are not being called for stuff, or the group on the ground gets nothing to do because CAS has killed everything, I have said that if someone wants to run CAS, that is fine, but you will be under strict control of a JTAC. So, unless you are given a target and a location, you are basically in holding. This pisses people off who want to be pilots and kill everything from the air. Trust me, I have been there, I enjoy it too, but there has to be some balance.
  10. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    ok so more Jtac, with NPC's being the pilots I'm assuming?

    I like the video's I'm watching.

    PS: Are there other players on the server, other Jtac, or other Air units?
    I would be willing to choose which ever is neeed more ;) (I have no issues flying around, doing nothing/ sitting on the ground, waiting for a call)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
  11. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    Out-standing fun tonight.
    Skwisgaar likes this.
  12. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    i love flying CAS and it would be awesome to have someone as JTAC.
  13. I think our best bet with a big group is breaking into small 2-4 person teams like we did and capping everywhere at once. The more we bunched up it seemed the bigger target we were.
  14. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    but Skwi think of all the Jimmys that were rustled as we shot down one aircraft after another!!!

    The multiple groups was working really well, anytime that we had several people down it generally was somewhere that we couldn't reach them to revive anyway because of enemy covering fire. Better to take the death and move on to take the next place while the enemy was still watching our corpses.
  15. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    once I get my videocard working together, I'll hit you up and we'll do some training kk?
  16. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

  17. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    Butthurts were issued. I heard about Solo's "Battlefield Bailout" vs a Wipeout. Did anything equally as awesome go down after I left?
  18. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Haki made an engine out autorotation that was simply incredible to ride along with all while we were under heavy fire. It ranks up there as one of the best flying moments I've had in arma, perfect flare from speed down onto a small road between trees on the top of a ridgeline.
    SteelBear and Hakija like this.
  19. Oh and gihzmo stole a tank.

    By stole a tank, I mean another player was trying to kill him with said tank, gihzmo snuck around the back and put a missile into it, then when the other player jumped out to find gihzmo gihz then proceeded to get into the tank and kill him.
    Flessar, SteelBear and MostlyHarmless like this.
  20. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I'm not sure that the server was quite ready for the Borg stealing every single thing that wasn't nailed down and then trying to knock over anything that was so we could load it up as well.
    Smokey was off pillaging the countryside, he had stolen an ammo hemtt and was using that to tow a scout vehicle that was also carrying a quad if I'm remembering right and he was trying to hook up more vehicles to take with him.

    Also we may have been slightly responsible for crashing the server when six of us were looking at a large pier and trying to steer boats around it. Most of our clients were locking up and bogging down to single frames per min then the server crashed hard.

    Sadly we had just stolen yet another tank and some speedboats and patrol boats at that point.
    Wolf Ward and Flessar like this.