Official Derailed thread... Wait, what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Zaius Ex, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Benjamin the Rogue

    Benjamin the Rogue Well Liked Berserker SC Huscarl

    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  2. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  3. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    How hard is that to do nowadays though really. I mean, assuming I'm an idiot (theoretically speaking/shut up) I could still just pull out my smartphone, google "how to change a tire", grab my tools and get to work. I just find it hard to believe anyone is this inept in the world..... except my brother of course but he's a snowflake.
    Lardaltef and Benjamin the Rogue like this.
  4. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    Awww shit, quick someone stop him before we go full Homestuck.
    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  5. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  6. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    hipsters can be pretty inept.
    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  7. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  8. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Funny how he wasnt in any of the movies.
  9. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    Funny how the only cut scene of him had the hobbits running away in abject terror when they sensed his presence, while his hat bobbed merrily over the bushes like a shark fin out of water.

    edit: and now you got me looking for a less than 30 second clip of tom bombadil's hat gayily bouncing that is so god damned hard to find you bastard.
  10. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

  11. Kravity

    Kravity Well Liked Thrall

  12. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    Star Wars Spoilers. Mild ones with no relevance to plot but spoilers nonetheless.

    He has one line and that's "TRAITOR!!!" *whips out ass-beating stick*
    And he almost wins in a duel against a light saber up know...Han steps in.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

  13. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  14. Benjamin the Rogue

    Benjamin the Rogue Well Liked Berserker SC Huscarl

    I swear my allegiance to this post.
    Tzeentch, Pidian and Lardaltef like this.
  15. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

  16. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker


    I freaking hate when people mix cosplay.

    It distorts the true vision of the actual character and what they represent. It turns them into a glorified jerk off eye candy theme that just looks silly after you step back and think about it.
  17. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

  18. Kravity

    Kravity Well Liked Thrall

  19. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall

    definitely have those books, haha, they're hilarious
    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.