BattleTech 25th Anniversary Intro Box

Discussion in 'Tabletop' started by Derak Darksun, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    MiniatureMarket has the intro box on their Black Friday sale for $35; it's a pretty great deal if anyone is looking at getting into or getting back into tabletop. The old intro box was crap but this one is much better:


    This can be deleted in 2 days when it's no longer relevant.
    Heinz Niebel and MagnusEffect like this.
  2. Kravity

    Kravity Well Liked Thrall

    It's out of stock already! NOOO!!!
  3. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    will leave this up so others can be aware it is a thing that exists. i bet you can probably still find them for sale with online retailers.
    Derak Darksun likes this.
  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    I'm going to go ahead and say that battletech is an overcomplicated mess, and I would rather have a LAN party with megamek than slog through playing the actual tabletop.

    HOWEVER, for those who want to learn the real mechanics of how the game works, this was a good deal, if just for the rulebooks.
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  5. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    Vargyr likes this.
  6. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker

    I'm glad I didn't see this.... I don't need a 4th copy of it....
    jChopper likes this.
  7. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    Finally broke this bad boy open today and played it a bit with my lovely lady last night, this is by far the most useful book in the box:
    Actually tells you how to progress from the alpha strike/quick start rules, to the intro rules, to Total Warfare/Tech Manuals (tournament rules), to the tac ops, strategic ops, interstellar ops, and how to scale the game properly with the advanced rules.
    MagnusEffect likes this.