
Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Tzeentch, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Angry Joe's review is up.

    I don't think he liked it much.
    Sardonic likes this.
  2. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Wesley Crusher resurrects you?
  3. Alg3braic

    Alg3braic New Guy Thrall

    Yo I just hit lvl 22 on xbox 360 I'll be adding you in a minute. I've got a mic coming in the mail tomorrow. DESTINY BROS UNITE!
  4. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    Ah, an event has started on Destiny. Wrath of the Queen or somesuch. It's basically a new faction rep grind for loot and cosmetics of course but still it seems interesting and gets those spaceborn awoken off their ass and interacting with the players..
  5. Alg3braic

    Alg3braic New Guy Thrall

    Been away from Mech Warrior and the Team Speak for quite a while because of Destiny.

    Really hard to put this game down.

    Gamer tag is Alg3braic if anyone wants to buddy up and take on the darkness! Space Bros UNITE!
  6. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    We already have a topic for this, but no big deal:

    I think the general consensus is that a lot of us would play if the game didn't require us to buy another console.

    I put away my consoles a long time ago, but I believe we still have a few console players here too.
  7. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    We do, and technically, I have a console. Only it's the Xbox 360 and I have no intention of getting the next one. I'm going to spend that money instead on upgrading my gaming rig. Also, I'm merging these threads.
  8. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I'm not interested in console mp because I'm like the only guy with ps3 and everyone I know has xboxes anyway. It would seem quite stupid to spend money on ps4 given that there's like maybe one game on it that's not for PC and even then I can't play it with anyone.
  9. fac3l3ss

    fac3l3ss New Guy Thrall

    What with the DLC and such, is anybody playing this? I bought both DLCs on Friday and have gotten back into it on PS4.
  10. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    To answer your question, I don't think many of us got into Destiny and I think even fewer for the Ps4 specifically. Curse of the consoles I guess.
  11. Mitragliatrice

    Mitragliatrice New Guy Thrall

    I still play it every night on PS4. We can sync up sometime if you're interested.
  12. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    WELP... I bought an Xbone. Mainly so I can play Destiny with my cousin. If anyone else is playing, look me up on Xbox Live... I am gihzmo.
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  13. fac3l3ss

    fac3l3ss New Guy Thrall

    Hey sorry man, I am just seeing this. What's your PSN name? I'm fac3l3ss_85.
  14. Mitragliatrice

    Mitragliatrice New Guy Thrall

    PSN is Mitragliatrice... Add me, we'll play some time. 2.0 comes out Tuesday then all hell will break lose with that game. Should be a good ride.
  15. fac3l3ss

    fac3l3ss New Guy Thrall

    Heh, I realized you're already on my friends list! I pre-ordered TTK and now I'm just rushing to finish my Triumphs. Still gotta beat Skolas, then finish up my public events and find the rest of the golden chests.
  16. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    I'll be playing through it with a fresh character. I wanna hear Nolan North's line reads.
  17. fac3l3ss

    fac3l3ss New Guy Thrall

    You can still hear his lines with your current character. The story quests are all in the "Abandoned Quests" kiosks in the Hall of Guardians, and you'll get XP and faction rep for playing them, as well as the story items like the noob ship and the Stranger's Rifle. I'm waiting til Tuesday to start them since that's when the level cap goes up.