My Precious....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Heinz Niebel, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall

    Soon.... Soon, you shall be mine.... :unamused:


    Decided to hold off on buying a new gaming rig until I'm done with another hitch at sea, and can comfortably afford something of worth. I know I could find cheaper options, but I kind of fell in love with the Tiki, and I hear only good things about Falcon Northwest's builds.
    Deuce Hxe likes this.
  2. Faythh

    Faythh Banned Banned

    Damn dude... that thing is rather beast. Any reason why you are going with the slim form rather than a full size? Upgrades could be difficult is why I ask.
  3. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall

    I kind of like the mini-towers. I don't think I'll need to upgrade that thing for quite a while. Hell, my old FX Series Laptop from Gateway is just now starting to have problems running new releases, and the damn thing's close to five years old.
  4. Brimstone Slugger

    Brimstone Slugger New Guy Thrall

    Looks pretty sweet mate! Have fun upgrading when you get around to it.