7 Days To Die (zombie survival, crafting, multiplayer)

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by fluffypinkbunny, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    “7 Days to Die” is a new survival horde crafting game from The Fun Pimps.

    “7 Days to Die” is an open world, voxel-based, sandbox game blending the best elements of FPS, Survival Horror, RPG and Tower Defense style games. “7 Days to Die” looks to carve out its own space giving gamers what they really want with a unique combination of combat, crafting, exploration, and character growth. It’s not just Survival Horror anymore its “Survival Horde.”

    There is one huge map Navezgane County Arizona, a "rare Eden in a world of devastation", is the main location in 7 Days to Die. Ironically, the Apache word “Navezgane” means Killer of Monsters.


    Zombies are the main problem standing between you and a comfortable life in lovely Navezgane County Arizona. They are fast at night and in dark places, but slow down during the day and in lit places, so you should not walk around at night, except if very well-armed and if the area you are in is fully lit. Still, it's dangerous to be out at night.

    If you are in a building or behind walls, the zombies will attempt to destroy the walls. Once there is a hole in the wall they will come in and attempt to kill you. All zombies have a chance of carrying something on them when you search them, though most do not carry anything.

    Zombies in the day will not chase after you if the player stays far enough away. At night time zombies will always pathfind a way to were the player is located.

    Structural Integrity describes how many blocks of a certain kind you can place unsupported horizontally(like a building beam). All measurements are made using the same type block for the wall and the horizontal "beam". If you go beyond this threshold the entire beam will collapse.

    Bunny's notes

    Zombies will try to break your defences, if they cut through your house i.e. weaken the structure it will fall, if you're hiding in it at the time, you will fall with it, probally dying
    You have to worry about food, and water, but can also farm/ forage for these things. You can make weapons, to defend your self, along with traps and mazes, and almost anything you can think of.

    My first experence with it, I woke up in the middle of an highway with a few cars around, I looted them, until I saw a group of zombies, so I started walking down the road, came to a small 4 house town, and decided to start clearing house one. pulled out my gun I found in one of the cars, and started room by room clearing, once that was done, I walked outside punched down a tree, and gathered some logs, to block the doors. I didn't get enough to block the windows though, I'm an idiot. anyways while exploreing I heard a crash, and sure enough there were 4 more zombies. I jumped a little, but steadied my gun, pop pop pop pop, then it started to become night, I found the garage, which had ladders leading upwards, so upon climbing, I was expecting to find more zombies, but nope, the attic was perfectly clear. Zombies couldn't reach me, so I had a base.

    Spent the next few days/ nights clearing the nearest houses, and running back to my attic, when all the sudden one night a horde of zombies, finally broke down my first floor walls, I figured i'd be safe in my house, but nope it came crashing down. I laughed.

    I would love to share this game with a few people on team speak, if you AAARRRR up for it, I have a link to the, 322 MB rar file
    1. unrar, (open into a folder where you want the game
    2. launch game with exe
    3. pass version check,ignoring what ever it says (click continue)
    4. change username from player to your name, dont change password.
    5. click login, (it won't connect to anything)
    6. click newgame, or connect to server, or options
    7. enjoy

    I have enjoyed the game so far, they will be getting money from me, as soon as I get some.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2019
  2. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall


    Edit: Oh. "ARRRR".

    Aye. Arr.
  3. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    This looks pretty awesome actually.
  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    As tired as I'm getting of zombie games/movies/tv/books/etc, I'm actually inclined to agree. Now if only it weren't $35... :sad:
  5. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    Oh, was under the assumption it was free... hmm... it does look cool. Especially for an Alpha. Not sure if I am going to put money in it unless it gets more interest.
  6. Deuce Hxe

    Deuce Hxe New Guy Thrall

    How can we get the link Fluffy Bunny?
  7. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  8. Sibrand

    Sibrand New Guy Thrall

    A group of us played for 6+ hours and had a lot of fun. I can't wait for more content to be added. At the moment, you're completely safe in an attic or on a roof with ladder access (unless building collapses) but in version 2, wall-climbing zombies will be added. Won't be quite so boring waiting for the sun to rise.
  9. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

  10. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Very interesting news on this indie title that has long been in development:

    TLDR version: The devs of this game were unfortunate enough to be caught up in a contract with Telltale Games right before the latter's collapse. This caused the devs of 7DTD to be stuck in legal limbo for the past year and having to pay expensive legal fees to resolve the issue. The good news is that case is now getting resolved and they can now focus on completing this project.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019