Star Wars Squadrons

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by SheepHugger, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Lardaltef likes this.
  2. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Wow, nice.

    So used to the trend of new games climbing towards that 80€ mark with day 1 DLC amounting to like 2000€ :D
    Lardaltef likes this.
  3. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  4. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

  5. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Full Hot Ass in VR, sounds good.
    Solomance and Lardaltef like this.
  6. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Solomance likes this.
  7. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    More like nature always finds a way, hot asses in VR
    Lardaltef likes this.
  8. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    "Nature" found a way? More like Porn found a way... about 48 hours after VR was invented.

    And just to keep the discussion topical, yes, Star Wars VR porn exists now. Because of course it would.:glee:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  9. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Horrible! How horrible! I need those urls so I can add them to the excemption list :gleetopus:

    And sorta staying on off-topic, just saw this interesting video
  10. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Just waiting for the porn version of beat saber. You know it's coming.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  11. Black Widow

    Black Widow Well Liked Thrall

    Hey guys. Long time no see. Been....busy.
    Hope everyone is doing well in these trying times. Family, employment, health...

    The first thing that got me excited about this game was native VR. Yeah, it's EA, but I played the Battlefront VR mission and almost cried from happiness.
    The first thing that scared me was the $40 price tag. Again, because EA and seeing the weapon / loadout options I started cringing with awful visions of Mechwarrior:Online racing through my head.

    The dev studio that made this is owned by EA, but it looks like a good group of people. I loathe Facebook but I love my Oculus headsets and what they are doing for VR.

    I pre-purchased the second it went live, cause well Star Wars VR. That is enough incentive to risk $40 even if it turns into a shit show.

    I'm not overly excited about the 5v5 system being the backbone of the gameplay. I'm just getting too damn old for PVP all the time. Sometimes, I just want to relax and have fun. Now, if it was NO multiplayer option, I'd be a bit torqued about that too. I don't want Mechwarrior:Online, but don't want X-wing without PVP option, either. Like everything in my life, I like options.

    That being said, I am SUPER excited for this. I'm currently playing X-Wing:Alliance in VR with the XWA:Upgrade mods. It pretty...fricking rad for a 20 year old game. But Blue_Max and those guys over at XWAU have been working on this for 15+ years and the VR stuff for the past year or so. Check it out if you have some time.

    Hopefully, a few of you stalwart (not a type) pilots will like this enough to schedule some weekly sessions. If if lives up to the promise (not the Hype. nothing ever does) I'm in this one for the long haul.

    And best case scenario (other than VR freaking X-Wing) is that the success of this could finally lead to a NEW true X-wing successor, with VR.
    Or, even better.....a combat MMO in the Star Wars universe. I played SW: The Old Republic. It's a good game, but it's World of Warcraft in SW. I don't want that anymore. I want Star Citizen in Star Wars universe. (hell, I'd still take a Battletech version of Star Citizen.

    As to the flight mechanics, just from watching and reading it will not be Rogue Squadron. Looks more like true X-wing flight mechanics, which have never been flight "sim" mechanics. And frankly, after playing Star Citizen, I'm not looking for true sim physics. I was Star Wars physics. Ala WWII fighters in space.

    Let's all keep our fingers crossed.

    [EDIT]: Just found this in a hand-on article:

    "For that reason, Squadrons will feature a robust practice mode. It will allow players to spawn in capital ships at will and try out different strategies. There’s also an offline single-player mode that allows players to fight alongside friendly AI. Add in a full-featured, five-player “comp stomp” mode against enemy AI, and Squadrons will give players plenty of opportunities to level up their skills before heading into ranked play."
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2020
  12. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    I need to find my TrackIR again... now where in the closet is it.
  13. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

  14. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    star wars galaxies before the combat upgrade patch (I think that is the one that killed that game). It was a MMO. You could do just about any profession you wanted. various crafting (armor, tailor, weapons, droids, buildings and spaceships when those came out). Combat professions. Players could literally build cities. Even better you could change your professions. So you could master 3 (which is all you could fully master. You can have more then 3 but it didn't really pay to do that), Drop all 3 and master 3 others. I think the only way to unlock a jedi was to master all the professions in the game to even unlock the quest to become force sensitive. Basically jedi (before the combat upgrade) were insanely rare. Also because if your jedi character died a few times it would become a permanent death. There are two emulator projects going on.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  15. Black Widow

    Black Widow Well Liked Thrall

    Anyone playing this yet?
  16. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I wish but I can't afford it at the moment! This year of being a student is really taxing on my spending money and sword collection!
    Lardaltef likes this.
  17. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I have been playing. I think it is a fantastic successor to the original X-wing and Tie Fighter games. It feels really good and does what they said it would do. Apparently there are some issues with Oculus headsets and the Steam version though.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  18. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    The best about it
    Graphics update to the good old Star Wars sims! Finally!
    Some new mechanics and nice gameplay!
    Love the VR cockpit and everything is crisp clean in VR
    VR menus etc. work really neatly with the HOTAS
    Star Wars

    The worst about it

    The single player campaign
    - You can only play as the Rebels / New Republic
    - The dialogue is worse than cringey, it's horrible
    - The characters are annoying and stupid
    - The whole intermission cinematics and fluff is all condescending, patronising and moronic
    - ...and so is the dialogue in the missions

    In general the single player campaign feels hollow, half assed and like a second thought addition made by a bunch of people who don't even like simulators and much less stuff like military aviation, military history, military in general and so.

    We've sent a recon squadron to investigate the Imperial jamming ships but they failed to return and we are not able to contact them. Find out what happened to them"

    Gee, what could have ever happened to a recon squadron on ... 10th year of continued hostilities with the Empire... I just wonder, what ever could have happened to the recons if they don't return? Gee. That's a real mystery.

    "Look up, there's something up ahead"
    Yea, the remains of the recon squadron, I can confirm this visually from this distance.

    "I wonder what it is"
    It's the remains of the recon squadron. They encountered some Tie Fighters or so.

    "Five, scan that object"
    Sure, but it's the remains of the recon squadron....

    "OH NO! It's the RECON SQUADRON! THOSE SAVAGES! They even blasted apart the astrodroid! They're SO EVIL!"
    Uh, have you seen any of our fights? The astrodroid is always the first one to go!
    Besides, we've been shooting at them for how many years by now? The pre-mission cinematic said that we've been fighting them non-stop for 4 years since I joined up... So I really wonder what the hell you've been smoking!

    So yea, after only a few hours I generally like the game but am also slightly annoyed at how for me the single player and especially having both sides for the campaign would have been the thing for me about this game and not some online deathmatch and then having to see that the whole story game is just typical shallow aftertought bullshit where it feels like I'm actually flying with Gender Ed class as opposed to a squadron of star fighter pilots. And it feels like everyone is high all the time and completely detached from what's actually going on in the war - yea, there's an actual war going on but it's as if they're not involved with it at all.

    The Cringe is strong with this one.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    Lardaltef likes this.
  19. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    I think their goal at first was to make a spiritual successor to x-wing vs tie fighter which was only multiplayer. The "campaign" part of that didn't come out till the expansion. But it wasn't half assed. the campaign in balance of power is pretty decent. So the campaign probably was an afterthought and not in the plan at the beginning.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  20. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Certainly it smacks you across your face when it says after a massive battle where you take out like 50 Tie Fighters and a larger vessel with it's crew and all that you've now fought non-stop for 4 years and then you transfer to a new similarly seasoned X-Wing squadron but it actually feels like you're joining some American Gen Ed major frat house where their military expertise amounts to how one of them has an uncle named Bob who does some hunting.

    Seriously, even fresh jäger conscripts have more attitude, experience and aptitude than the 'battle hardened' hippie unit has that you're joining at the start of it.

    And it's not just that, the mission scenes feel empty and poorly executed. Just a general sense of very rigid scripting and a whole lot of nothingness and sense of flatness.

    There scenes themselves ought to be better constructed, the missions lack soul and the rebel squadron can be as hippy trippy as can be at their heart but it's not a virtue for a star fighter pilot to be so anti-military that they don't even understand such basic concepts that the enemy is also trying to shoot at you and a unit that doesn't return from the last known enemy position is most likely wiped out.

    Also I bet there's a lot more to go by to reflect the heartless cold hatred of Imperial pilots than "they blasted the astrodroid!", I mean - it's not rocket science:

    "What's that... oh no! What the hell!"
    -"What is it?"
    "It's the LT's escape pod - they blasted his escape pod!"

    As for the fights, pilots being blown to bits while they're performing bone crunching break neck maneuvers?

    Literally, the writers and the creative team have never bothered as far as going to youtube to check anything related to military aviation. The producer and others are similarly on the field without the ball.
    Lardaltef likes this.