Arma 3 Server: mod suggestions

Discussion in 'ARMA' started by gihzmo, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. 0 returns when filtering for "skja"
  2. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    Well. That was unexpected.

    At work now. Will log onto the server and update asap.
  3. Daemonwulfe

    Daemonwulfe Well Liked Thrall

    I had the same issue searching for the server. I realized it just takes a couple of minutes for the list to populate.
  4. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    Modpack updated: Delete these folders from your ARMA3 Directory: @AGM, @alive, @MCC_Sandbox_a3, @XLib.

    Update Version (current modpack required) : Modpack 7_3u

    Full Install Version: Modpack 7_3

    Extract the zip directly into your ARMA3 folder.

    Updating: AGM, ALiVE, Lifter, MCC Sandbox, XLib (userconfig included this time). Adding: MrBurns Voice-Stop
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  5. Not sure which mod changed it (probably AGM) but ammo counter no longer shows up for weapons. If you hit ctrl+R like you would for mag repack, instead of going to the repack screen it pulls up a "gauge" that shows how full your current mag is.
  6. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    AGM_Magazines is the .pbo for that. Entirely optional. If you'd prefer, I can remove it easily.

    Would require a new mod pack push.
  7. I don't have a problem with it except that it overrides the mag repack.
  8. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    I rebound the 'Check Mag' function in AGM (esc->AGM in the top right-ish) to something like Alt+R.
  9. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    For anyone still using the air force portion of the Hellenic armed forces mod, a third party developed the missing missile lock portion so now you can have a warning to pop countermeasures.
    from the author:
    I'm very proud to announce my first official Arma 3 release!

    This small PBO, when run with the HAFM_Air PBO will fix the config issues that were stopping the RWR warning from being announced to the pilot - before this, you would get no warning and just get shot out of the sky. I'm sure Aplion was never intending for the RWR to not work, and I'm glad to have been able to help out.

    Just add it like a normal mod, and you'll be spitting those flares out and dodging missiles, without having to use good old eyeball mk1.
    Solomance and Skwisgaar like this.
  10. Civilian A2 pack - we can all ride in Trev's car!

  11. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    That looks awesome. And big. Up to y'all if you want to add that. No sweat to put it on the server, but it'll be another 500mb if added to the Modpack (which is 700mb or so zipped).
  12. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    :sad: I don't see any sunroofs to shoot rpg's from on the vw vans
    SteelBear and Skwisgaar like this.
  13. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    This oversight is unforgivable. :unamused: "EASTERN themed vehicles", indeed.
    MostlyHarmless and Skwisgaar like this.
  14. MOD FAIL
    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  15. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    All I said I wanted was to shoot my RPG from the sunroof while the AI screamed "It's the Libyans!" Is that so much to ask? :ulol:
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  16. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    They found me. I don't know how, but they found me.
    SteelBear likes this.
  17. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    And when that lone survivor starts to run you hear someone yell "Run for it Marty!"
  18. addScript:"TurnOut"-->VWBus
    Boombuni and MostlyHarmless like this.