Building My First PC (A Thank You Letter)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Heinz Niebel, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall

    Just want to say thanks to Gihzmo and Moro for saving me a ton of money by convincing me to build my own PC, and for throwing advice (as well as parts recommendations) my way. From the looks of it, I'll be saving close to $500 as well as having all parts (ready to be assembled) by Wednesday, whereas before I'd have to wait until the following week for the PC I had originally ordered to even ship.

    I'll post pictures of the building-in-progress, which doesn't seem too hard at all. Although I'll be going off of Newegg's tutorial video (kindly provided by Gihzmo) to make sure I don't mess anything up.

    Its great to have such a large group of guys and gals who know what they're talking about, as well as being willing to help out a fellow Viking save a shit ton of money.

  2. Moro Ibex

    Moro Ibex Moderator Hirdman

    no prob. glad to help
    jChopper and Heinz Niebel like this.
  3. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Building computers is so much fun that at one time I even worked in a computer shop where I built them all day long.

    These guys here really know their stuff and they helped me out too when I had to get a new one last autumn.
    Heinz Niebel likes this.
  4. Faythh

    Faythh Banned Banned

    Building them is fun and easy... people are just so scared/intimidated by the thought of it. Everything fits where it's supposed to and no other place. If you have to get a hammer, you are doing it wrong.... or working on an MMX Processor.
    Lardaltef and Heinz Niebel like this.
  5. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall

    I get the gist of it. I mean, I'm not lost when it comes to computers or gaming. I know what these parts are, what they do, etc. But there were certainly a ton of questions I still had, and I'm very appreciative of them being answered.

    I just wasn't sure how in-depth it'd get because I had never taken that step. And God, am I glad I started talking about it on TeamSpeak. I still can't believe how much I saved by just ordering the parts myself. Watching tutorial videos, and listening to folks on TS, it sounds super easy. Its just the little things that rushing it can cause you to overlook, so I'll be taking my time, double-checking everything.

    Once again, thanks all!

    P.S. My RAM and two extra fans have already arrived. More should arrive today!
    SheepHugger and Trevnor like this.
  6. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall


    Boomerangs will be installed last...

    Just waiting on the motherboard, case, power supply, hard drive, and wireless adapter.
  7. Nice! I'm going to be getting one of those GTX970s this month.
    Trevnor and Heinz Niebel like this.
  8. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall

    It seems to be pretty highly recommended right now, and it wasn't too expensive. God bless Amazon Prime's shipping too; ordered it Saturday, here on Monday.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
  9. Faythh

    Faythh Banned Banned

    The Boomerangs are entertaining.

    A family friend of mine competes in boomerang tournaments all over the world.
    Heinz Niebel likes this.
  10. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I would like a GTX 970 as well, but no monies :sad:
  11. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    Odd was only thinking about the old boomerang on the way into work today!

    The only part you may find hard with installing a new PC is getting the right amount of thermapaste on your CPU to fan connection if you have gone for a non stock fan (highly recommended by the way) Took me a little while to get this down as you dont want any overhang but need it to be spread over the entire CPU.

    Have fun tho, I really enjoy building PC's in general :)
  12. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall

    The boomerangs were gifts from some Aussie family friends. I'm pretty sure if I threw one, it'd just flip flop through the air and hit the ground.

    I'll probably put an aftermarket fan on the CPU at a later date. Right now I'm going to just put the stock fan on it, but the thermapaste was mentioned in the two tutorials I watched, specifically, how much they recommend applying, and also how to remove it if you want to install a new fan later.
  13. Heinz Niebel

    Heinz Niebel Well Liked Thrall

    Well, Trev - you could always sell yourself on the corner...
  14. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    With the new i5s you really do not have to do anything. Just take it out of the box and slap it in the board. Intel does not sell CPUs and fans that will not stay cool.
    Heinz Niebel likes this.
  15. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    That includes the thermal paste, it is all ready to go.
    Heinz Niebel likes this.
  16. Faythh

    Faythh Banned Banned

    My AMD came pre-pasted, though I reapplied after 6 months.
  17. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    AMD and Intel are not the same when it comes to head and coolers.

    You MUST buy a replacement cooler for an AMD.
  18. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    And remember to wipe off that dirt that's placed on it beforehand! ;)

    I really like my GTX 970. It has the best price ratio and because it uses lower power than 980 some claim that it has less heat issues. The couple of times I've been able to play with it my mind has been blown away. You'd be stunned by the amount of shit it can draw on the screen, this coming from working with massive industry level city scenes.
  19. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I will trade mine for your SC ships. You can keep one Aurora. Fair?
  20. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    You know, most of the time you're inserting weirdly shaped shit to the only slots they fit into. It's not just a leading principle of computer assembly but also a universal life lesson. Try to avoid inserting stuff into too tiny slots.

    Btw, we have the exact same gfx card case. ;)
    Heinz Niebel likes this.