Star Citizen Joint Operations Event Hosted by Operation Pitchfork

Discussion in 'Announcements & Events' started by Benjamin the Rogue, Feb 26, 2018.

  1. Benjamin the Rogue

    Benjamin the Rogue Well Liked Berserker SC Huscarl


    This event was conceived as a way to bring together all of the different groups of people who are planning on participating in OPPF so they can learn how to work together as different groups, people from different groups can interact and build relationships with each other, and the volunteers of OPPF can learn how to manage such operations beforehand.

    • Point of Communication for this Event: Operation Pitchfork Discord Server. Specifically the Joint Operations Text or the Coop Flight Voice channel.
    • Date of Next Event: March 17th. Start time will be around 14:00EST/11:00PST.
    • Planned Operation: Ship to ship boarding action. Possibly some station FPS Kareah or surface FPS planetside.
    • Resources to bring: We already have a Starfarer volunteered for the ship to ship boarding. Ship boarding parameters are still being worked on. Join our Discord for further details as they are developed, or bring your own ideas. We're always happy to see people include their input.

    As with last time there are no requirements for participating in these Joint OPs, but we do ask that if you plan to join us just let us know so we can understand what the expected attendants will be to plan accordingly. More details on the events will be provided as soon as we have a decent headcount. If you have any questions hit me up.

    All content creators such as Livestreamers and Youtubers are always welcome to record and/or livestream any and all Operation Pitchfork events or activities that they participate in for their channels or accounts.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2018
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