New Star Wars under Star Trek Director lead

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Axevid, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Axevid

    Axevid Made Some Friends Viking

  2. Buff Plankchest

    Buff Plankchest New Guy Thrall

    InB4 Flarewars comments.
  3. Myuu

    Myuu Well Liked Thrall

    The Imperial star destroyers have never been so shiny!
  4. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    So much shake cam and lens flare.
  5. Buff Plankchest

    Buff Plankchest New Guy Thrall

    YouTube delivers:

  6. Val

    Val Well Liked Thrall

    needs MORE lensflare - i can still almost see whats going on in that vid :<
  7. Skoll

    Skoll Swine Fornicator Banned

    I am actually really disappointed if this turns out to be true.
  8. Buff Plankchest

    Buff Plankchest New Guy Thrall

    Yes. It is true. LA Times confirmed Abrams' post as Episode VII director on Jan. 24.

    However, I think he would be a fool to do the anamorphic lens thing again after all the backlash on his Star Trek reboot. I seriously doubt we'll see Flarewars.
  9. VorBan

    VorBan New Guy Thrall

    I wouldn't be too sure about that. I think Abrams filmed his new Star Trek movie in the same manner as the first one (more action driven judging by the trailer). So I'm highly sceptical...but hey, at least Micheal Bay isn't the director so that's a major plus.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
  10. Myuu

    Myuu Well Liked Thrall

    Is that how far our standards have sunk?
  11. VorBan

    VorBan New Guy Thrall

    I'm afraid so. Transformers were an okay and fun movies to watch because they had giant robots, hot chicks and a whole lot of explosions. And that is fine for that kind of movie. But that is NOT what I want or expect from Star Wars. We already have had a Michael Bay style of Star Wars and it were Episodes II and III.

    I'm glad that they are not following the Star Wars Expanded Universe for the next 3 Episodes, but I am hoping that they will make something good out of it.
  12. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Star Wars has already been destroyed since it was all rebooted by that bearded wanker. it cant get any worse!
  13. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Never, ever say it can't get any worse. It can always get worse.
  14. Buff Plankchest

    Buff Plankchest New Guy Thrall

  15. Catch

    Catch New Guy Thrall

    It can't get any worse than Roland Emmerick directing the rumored movie-adaptation of Asimov's Foundation.

    If this is true, I seriously hope it dies in Development Hell. At any rate I don't see Foundation, a compilation of largely distant short stories, working as a movie. A mini-series perhaps, but not a movie.

    As for Star Wars, it ended with the first trilogy for me. I've been told I am fortunate to have not seen Episode II and III, and I'm willing to accept that after seeing Episode I. Whatever is done with the franchise at this point I could care less, though I hope it doesn't turn out to be a disappointment for fans who chose to stick around.
  16. VorBan

    VorBan New Guy Thrall

    Well it's not like Episodes II and III are bad per say. They had their good moments. It's just they are not worthy to carry the burden of the Star Wars Saga story line. I was hoping (before they announced that the story will continue from Episode VI) that the filmmakers are going to film a movie about the Old Republic. There are excellent story lines in that timeline but alas not gonna happen...
  17. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Star Wars is like having a dog that has become to old and tired to work anymore, You try to still like him as he was great in his younger days but in truth you need let go, Take him out into the yard and put a gun to his head.