Elite Dangerous

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by 8Ball, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    You can fly a helicopter sim and you can fly a jet sim? And on top of them you can fly a newtonian space sim?

    I don't think 'bad habits' will be much of an issue.

    Myself, I'm having problems with Steam streaming. If I start the stream with the joystick attached to my laptop, the game automatically forces me to use mouse configuration.

    The only way to start it is by having the joystick attached on the desktop upstairs in the office, launching the stream from laptop and then going upstairs, grabbing the joystick and bringing it downstairs. Haven't even got it to work yet so no confirmation. I guess the only alternative is to own two joysticks.. Ouch.

    So I'm still trying to figure out how to get to learning this game.

    No, doesn't work. You can't launch it with joystick attached to the desktop and then setting controls to joystick you can't move the joystick to the computer receiving the stream. Doesn't work.

    It'll take a bit longer for me to get in.

    I'll be online with you guys 2 weeks from now on weekend if nothing doesn't come up. With luck I might be able to stay on for several hours.
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    Lardaltef and Hepatitis TK like this.
  2. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Tried out some of the tutorials at office today. This game is :awesome:

    Few things: I didn't recognize full newtonian flight model and there appeared to be a speed limit of sorts. I wonder if these are explained away by assistive control systems and can be toggled off or if it's to keep space combat feel more like aerial dogfight. I don't know yet and didn't have yet time to check it out.
  3. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I'm only going through combat tutorials but shit...

    This is an amazingly great game. Or that's what I thought when playing it from the screen, then I switched to Oculus.. Yea, it was accidentally on the side table so the head tracking centering was totally off and I tried to restart Oculus itself but then Elite stopped putting data through to it and I had to close Elite while trying to figure out the dual view from the screen, then the launcher hanged up and I killed the process. Trying to restart was very, very slow and the launcher was very unresponsive but it finally started. I waited for it to load through with Oculus on my head and..

    ..at first there was darkness. Then came light, already the loading screen was cool, text was easily readable, there had been multiple configurations such as Oculus with headphones or Oculus with speakers.

    Then I started the viper duel combat scenario...


    I mean, yea, I've spent a lot of time going through the tech demos and such, like Battle of Endor etc..

    But this...

    I mean, you're in the cockpit surrounded by holodisplays and such and it's like, you're in this space ship and then you get to fight too! And it's not Battle of Endor or something some guy put together last night in his garage.

    You're in this space ship surrounded by holodisplays, your virtual hands respond to your actions with your Hotas...


    Can I quit my work, like yesterday and just play this?
  4. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    In the Incursion tutorial the Radiant Dawn is giving me some tough fights, I need to get better.
  5. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

    Why Mikey, I think he likes it!

    Combat gets easier once you get gimballed weapons. Basically, all you have to do with those is keep the target in your view screen and the weapon will track its target.
    Hrothgarr likes this.
  6. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Actually I'd like to get the higher damage spinal ones. With joystick it seems to be mostly easy to keep most targets centered. What is hard is when that annoying Cobra manages to turn itself 1km from you and it keeps pummeling you all the way and gets your shields down and 30+ % hull damage just to say hello before you can fly past him and try to get to his rear.

    On my first attempt I managed to keep hull damage to just 5% on initial counter and then kept on his tail for quite a while, he was down to something like 10% when I made a mistake and he managed to turn on me couple of times and ripped me to pieces. I hate pounding those sturdy ships with light weapons, they don't seem to do all that much damage and also it said on the manual that gimball weapons can easily suffer from inaccuracy - it certainly felt that way.

    I'm going to focus on how to close in fast and how to manage energy and stay on someone's tail in order to not get shot at. Not getting shot at is a really good armor.

    When a little guy outruns you by flying loops around you before you can turn, I found that simply hitting reverse and switching between up and down with vector control thrusters (vertical thrusters) was a really fast way to get them to your crosshairs.

    I really, really like this game. It's the kind of game I always wanted to make and they made it better than I ever could. I haven't even had a lot of games lately that I even wanted to play but I want to play this one.
  7. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Gimballed is good for knife fighting where your target is *just-a-little-bit* outside your crosshairs. It's also a good way to make up for ships with slow turning speeds. Personally, I too prefer fixed weapons especially on faster ships. My preferred tactic is a version of the Boom & Zoom; my window of opportunity is short, but I'm hosing them with maximum firepower the whole time before blasting past them and away. Fixed guns are also superior for kiting targets at long range, especially fixed beam lasers.
  8. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I need to practice especially how to close in fast without getting hit. I don't think getting a shot at a more agile ship will be the worst problem I'll face, I think the bigger problem will be durable and high firepower enemies that try to make sort of repeated head to head attacks where they can rip through my shields and hull without danger to them.
    Essentially, how to prevent them from devastating my hull on the initial head to head encounter and how to get out of the circle flow of head ons.

    Like I said, I don't know much anything about this game yet.
  9. Boombuni

    Boombuni Well Liked Thrall

    oh man, Jousting. That shit gets rough if you don't have a wingman to sanitize your booty when someone gets sticky. Eagles especially like to get in behind you and they're pretty tough to shake. Getting someone who's a more experienced fighter to show you the ropes and keep your butt clean would probably be a good idea.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  10. Madrax

    Madrax Well Liked Thrall

    This game I tell ya. Gotta love dog fighting. Just had an encounter with someone way the hell better outfit than my noob backside. Managed to kill him, with a little help but shut up, he couldn't keep up with my sticky note under a well endowed woman's chest tactic. With some clever reversing and using the vertical maneuvering of the oh so great starting ship, I managed to stay out of the way of most of his fire, when I did end up heads up with the guy some random thrust usage, yeah I admit it I basically spammed directions so bad even i didn't know where I was going, kept his aim terrible.

    Just gotta say, this game is fun. Even though I have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm doing.
    Lardaltef and SheepHugger like this.
  11. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I will be on 29th since around 21.00 GMT, possibly something akin 6 hours on straight. Thinking it will be my first real entry to the game, I'll try to practice the single player dogfight scenarios when I have time up till then.
  12. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

    Ok, so we have many playing. Are we gonna solidify as a group, choose an actual base of operations and nail down specific roles we need to have filled or are we gonna continue to schlep about as we are now?
  13. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I wouldn't mind having a group that does group stuff in a groupie way as a group.

    Though I am possibly the least active member in the whole 'borg, including those who perished IRL so imho those that actually are in the business of actually playing games from time to time have more weight.

    But still, hoping it will come through just so I can keep telling everyone at work that I belong to the group that controls that star system and occasionally doing a flyby of our base in my stock equipped starter ship.
  14. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

    Your say carries as much weight as mine, as much as moro's, as much as harmless. We are all equally worthless! :glee:
    Lardaltef likes this.
  15. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I like the part 'worthless'. I don't want to be valuable lest someone will steal me. Shipfracker not for steal!
  16. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Yes, form a group and build me an empire worth ruling!
  17. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Practicing the tutorial's final part where they just keep sending new enemies at you. Finally beat the Radiant Dawn Viper in it.. just to get more enemies in and then another Viper. Damn it takes long to take out a Viper! At least I learnt a bit about closing in from front without instantly dying.

    What was real fun was when I ran out of cannon rounds and was trying to kill the Viper. He had this tactic that whenever I slowed down to catch him in the turn he'd hit afterburner and speed 2km away, I'd of course need to repeat everything he did, only problem was I only had laser left and it was difficult to hit him when he was on full thrust, at least difficult to keep the laser on him consistently. But eventually got him.

    I died eventually when they sent like 3 sidewinders or something like that against my ship. At that point I had no cannon rounds left and 52% hull.

    I need to change my shirt. More than an hour of constant dogfight and wrestling with those ships.. phew.

    I really, really like this game and I'm not even through all the tutorials yet!
    Togg Bott and Kravity like this.
  18. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

  19. Togg Bott

    Togg Bott Well Liked Thrall


    you are not supposed to to "WIN" that final conflict...... i can count on my two hands... ( out of 500k people) who beat that scenario(i am NOT one of those... i made it only to wave 8)... its supposed to be an exercise in dying. to get you used to that possibility..... FFS... get into your sidewinder already and join the rest of us in game.
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
  20. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    So if I hack the files and change my weaponry so that I can beat it this all will start reminding a certain scifi series..

    I'm incredibly busy but I'm having a whole night gaming binge on 30th.