Tabletop Gaming Commitment Time

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Demon Stalker, Dec 4, 2017.


Which games will you be joining?

Poll closed Dec 12, 2017.
  1. Tabletop Simulator with Aspius, Friday 15:00 - 18:00 EST

  2. Starfinder with Demon, Friday 20:00 to Midnight EST

  3. Pathfinder with Demon, Friday 20:00 to Midnight EST

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Alright guys,
    Moment of truth. Before we start planning specific games we need to know how many people can commit to the times the GMs can run them.

    If we have enough interest in Starfinder and Pathfinder, we will alternate weekends. As for whether we resume our previous campaigns or start anew, that discussion will happen later.

    All games are aiming to start in January, after that holiday thing happens.
  2. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Closing poll. It has been 9 days.
  3. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    This was rather depressing. I know more people have talked about being interested but no one have answered.
  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Well, we got 5 votes. Can't see who voted for what though. Might be a couple of multiples.
  5. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    The people who have voted are: Aspius, TheoC, Hakija and Demon Stalker.
  6. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    I voted for playing Starfinder and Pathfinder to see the results easier.
  7. Moro Ibex

    Moro Ibex Moderator Hirdman

    out of my time frames. sorry fellas
  8. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Thanks for the comment, Moro. No worries.