Meanwhile, In Australia

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Bluetavius, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Bluetavius

    Bluetavius ASSHAT Viking

  2. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

  3. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    Here I was expecting something highly racist, but yeah just a snake eating a lizard, markers there to keep tourists away or something I'd guess. *shrugs* Stuff like this happens all the time:


    Note that's in a suburban backyard in Queensland


    They eat snakes too!


    You guys have Gators I believe, we have Crocs both monsters from another dimension if you ask me. Oh and that's a wombat in its mouth.


    From a hard country comes hard people. If this was anywhere else it would be front page news, Australia? Meh like a tiny article on page 15 or so.
  4. Denryuu2

    Denryuu2 Made Some Friends Berserker

    I love alot of the stereotypes other continents give us Aussies. It makes me feel more boss for just living in Australia than i actually am.
  5. DragonsFire24SS

    DragonsFire24SS New Guy Thrall

    damn nature you scary!!!
  6. Abivard

    Abivard New Guy Thrall

    well the lizard's head is inside the snakes belly, and the snakes head is distended while it trys to swallow its big meal but is right where its light colored belly ends and the mud colored lizard begins 'the snake is on its side belly to camera heh'
  7. Abivard

    Abivard New Guy Thrall

    I once bounced off one of them big spider webs in the jungle, I mean I turned my head to say something, I was on point 'was rather safe place' and turned around in time to see the web and be bounced back by it, I had to use a machete to clear it lol, that big old yellow and black spider wasn't happy but I let it live, see how nice a fella I am.
  8. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    I'm an Aussie and man enough to say that I am a city boy, and shit like this would make me scream like a girl.
  9. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    Snakes scare me more than spiders, spiders generally dont try and attack you outright unless you over stay your welcome. Snakes however are violent Mofo's and since we have like 10 of the top 12 deadliest snakes in Australia yeah... they make me super nervous.
  10. Denryuu2

    Denryuu2 Made Some Friends Berserker

    Haha I would be to. Thats like someone trudging into my house and break everything i own. The just being like, "see, i let you live. Thats how nice i am." I'd be happy to get away with that.

    After living in a suburban town for 8 years and not being on a farm, i can say i have grow to fear spiders. It doesnt feel natural in these sorts of places. Out there is another story though.

    Im the oppisite. I love snakes, i used to hunt them in QLD back when they had an overrun of snakes. But spiders.. i still squeal. Even to huntsman's.. which we no wont harm us. Except that one time it feel from the roof onto my pillow and i heard a small thud but didnt see what it was till it bit my finger. That hurt.
  11. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    Golden Orb spiders (the one I linked that has the bird and snake) webs are crazy strong, absolute pain in the butt to clear them out when its summer time up at my folks place in QLD.

    Vreith and I had a massive Huntsman that use to live on our balcony that we called tarantulord due to his shear size and aggressive nature. Was great having him around as there were never any mozzies or anything to annoy us when we use to smoke/drink outside. Also had another one that lived inside our unit for a while that we called Garry, sadly another spider that we called Bill came in one day and ate Garry :/ Poor Garry.

    That said I have had a fear of snakes since childhood when I almost stepped on a red belly black as I thought it was a garden hose :/ HATE snakes.
  12. Abivard

    Abivard New Guy Thrall

    OH man, fucking snakes, I don't like the slithering poisonous bastards. But yet I am fascinated by them, I know almost every poisonous snake and am constantly encountering them, I have snake stories galore, from stepping on the neck of a 6 foot diamondback when I got out of a jeep to having a big ass golden habu crawl across my legs in Okinawa. I will and do kill them when I see them , unless they kill other snakes, like black snakes. Damn cotton mouths are all over the place south of the Ohio river, we have copper heads and some rattlers. But Australia sucks for snakes! Soiders I try not to kill, I remember Tom Sawyer said it was bad luck, or was it Huck Finn? Besides spiders kill all kinds of worse creepy crawlies. Even snakes!
  13. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    I am generally fond of spiders, but I have to say some of those big bastards give me pause...
  14. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

    Perhaps its because there's only 1 venomous snake in my region (and it's not all that venomous by comparison) but I love snakes. I'll go out and grab a black rat or garder snake if I see it, those things are awesome.

    Spiders. They scare me. They REALLY scare me. Especially that big one you posted Dran; I'd have a heart attack if that was on my house.
  15. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    crazy aussies
  16. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    Oh come on now Damon, surely you realize that if a spider that size has made its web on the house you are living in it's no longer your house but his until you beat it in a dual to the death right? The good thing is that if he wins you will only be paralyzed as he digests your insides, awake and with no possible way of helping yourself. Glorious death indeed!
  17. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

  18. Abivard

    Abivard New Guy Thrall

    I really do feel like this when I encounter snakes;


    Over reaction, I think NOT!
  19. Bluetavius

    Bluetavius ASSHAT Viking

  20. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker