Warhammer 40k RPG - Rogue Trader

Discussion in 'PnP & RPG Club' started by Demon Stalker, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Thanks for the heads up, Jacob.

    Everyone else set to game on the 6th? Need 4 players to party.
  2. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Looks like I need to cancel this week anyway. I ended up with some issues.

    Sorry peeps 8(
  3. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Due to my resignation from the Borg, I will obviously be unable to maintain our weekly game through these forums. I want to tell you how much I have enjoyed gaming with everyone. I wish to continue our gaming, if there are adequate people moving forward.

    I do not want any perception of inpropriety, and have therefore left the decision with Command as to whether this will be tolerated or not.

    I hope to see you guys again, but if not, may the odds be ever in your favor 8)
  4. Cerlin

    Cerlin Pug Wranlger Thrall

    I was hoping to get in on this someday. I sure hope it continues! I'd totally support it being done on these forums/Ts as well. :)
  5. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    We will be playing this campaign, but I will need to get everyone my TS info at some point.

    Tabletop has been easier over there, and Dihm knows this 8)

    Take tomorrow off though, I am still catching up on a few projects.
    Dihm likes this.
  6. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Adding this, if you need my TS info, pm me. I don't want to post it public, but happy to share it with the gamers.
  7. Putte

    Putte New Guy Thrall

    Aw, sorry to hear you leave. I got your TS already, and I'll see you in a week.
  8. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    I had a meeting scheduled this Sunday. If there is still a meeting, we should skip this week.

    Can anyone confirm or deny the allegations?
  9. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Allegedly yes, it may be possible that such a thing as above allegation proposes is occurring.
  10. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Therefore, in light of the possibility of proposed allegations I move that we not compete in spirit or in actuality with an event that might be occurring this Sunday and therefore we meet again on the next convenient weekly cycle of the 20th, at 2 pm Eastern.

    Translation: Take this week off, be involved in meeting, we play next week.
  11. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Caesar mentioned he is out on July 20th. Do we still have 4 players?
  12. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    I should be around.
  13. Putte

    Putte New Guy Thrall

    I am around!
  14. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    I maybe may be around... maybe.
  15. Jacob

    Jacob Made Some Friends Thrall

    ill be there
  16. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Alright, if we have 4 peeps when we are scheduled to start (just under 21 hours from right now), we will play.

    If we don't, I will go back to sleep.
  17. Putte

    Putte New Guy Thrall

    I fell asleep. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorry ;______________;
  18. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Okay, sharing some frustration here:

    We have been able to play exactly once.

    We are missing peeps that say they will be there, such as this week. Putte did chime in that he missed and why (no worries, life happens). Caesar had also told me in advance that he wouldn't make it.

    I need to know if we will have the 4 peeps regularly so I can plan or if we should ditch this and I should start working on another project.

  19. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    because of my work schedule, I can't be a regular player, I'd love to be able to play, but it's just not something I can make happen with any regularity.
  20. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    I can understand that Damion, and you have mentioned that before. I just left you out of the previous examples 8)