OFFICIAL AVORION IS GO!... And it's better than you ever hoped!

Discussion in 'Announcements & Events' started by MagnusEffect, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    After years of development, Avorion is finally leaving Beta and is hitting full release state! There is a lot to cover here so let's jump straight into it...


    • First off... what rock have you been hiding under?! :glee: Avorion is that playtime Lego adventure you had as a child, but someone made a video game out of it and it actually works really well! I made a giant banana that shoots potassium lasers and went to war with an an entire cluster of banana-hating solar systems. I need nothing more, but there is so much more... read on to find out.

      Oh yes... I was only HALF joking...

      But what if you are bad at Legos? Don't worry! Thanks to the power of the Steam Workshop, you can have other people build your toys for you and then you can focus all your time on smashing them together, painting them off-putting colors, or defacing them into hideous shadows of their former glory! Your options are nearly limitless!
    • Avorion is like Space Engineers if Space Engineers was actually easy to understand and stable enough to play at 60 frames per second. Avorion is like Elite Dangerous if Elite Dangerous actually gave you cool shit to do! Avorion is like Freelancer if Freelancer let you design and build your own ships, stations... hell... entire fleets for you to command and conquer the galaxy!

      In truth, Avorion is like none of these games, but it's also better than ALL of these games because it offers more to do than any single one of them and it all works really, really well! No glitches, no "coming soon" desperately needed features, no mountain of tutorials. The game does everything you want it to out of the box and then keeps giving you more!

    • There is a goal to play towards (reaching the center) and this can be done however you want, no strings attached. Combat is required, but you don't have to pull the trigger yourself. You can be a trader who builds combat ships to fly with you if you don't want to fight, or you can go full defense and just ignore everything. Build an army and send them to war, or ignore the center and start manufacturing/trading to create an interstellar empire.

      The galaxy is massive. Don't forget to bring a towel.

    • The game does not require a wiki and hours of reading to play. Information you need is in the game. It's not like others where you have to go look up recipes and whatnot just to start out. You're not expected to know anything.

    • The game isn't worth it cause it "Has potential", but because it already has content. It's not a tech demo, it's a complete game.

    • Content sharing is encouraged. If you build a cool ship, it's a single file to share or click a button to upload to the workshop. Download ones you like and use them without needing to build your own. No special mods to install or download, it's all native to the game and works great. You can fly the Enterprise or a giant space toilet. It's about what you like.

      The bumper sticker reads: "My other ship is a giant space toilet".
    • Although you start with a single insignificant ship, the game can escalate to full blown Fleet Admiral RTS MODE. The game supports a real-time strategy mode. Build your army of ships and command them from an overview. Don't bother putting yourself in danger if you don't want to. LIVE ENDER's GAME
    • All weapons are viable, each has a different application. Cannons/Railguns hit hard and far, but in different ways. Cannons destroy large areas around the impact where as railguns drive into the core and bypass defenses to hit internals. Wanna play defense? There's flak and anti-missile turrets that work great vs drones and torpedoes. Or, you could just go fast. Inversely, you could have so much tank you just don't care. Your call , no reason not to use something.

    • Pirates in this game, aggressive as they may be, sometimes just want your cargo. So they're actually pirates and not "PLAYER CHARACTER DIE NOW" dudes. Oh, and yes, you can join them, you just have to earn their trust.

      War is never far from home.

    • You can put AI commanders in charge of ANY ship you make. I mean any ship. They can do anything you can do and they can do it while you're not around. Wanna go blow stuff up but need ore, too? Build a mining ship with drones and make him do it. You can go have fun elsewhere until he runs out of asteroids. Just make sure someone's around to defend him, but you can build another ship for that as well.

    • Bosses They exist and they're all unique and fun. Some will find you, others you will find. Eventually all of them will be required to reach the "Avorion", but I won't say more lest I ruin the story.

      If you can strap engines and guns to it, it will fly!
    • Trading is a thing, as is supply and demand. Sectors in war may want robots. Industrial sectors may want food and cows, or even just toys. Build a ship with some large jump drives and make the trips shorter and funner. Go find that stuff and bring it, or make it yourself.

    • Build your own space stations for fun, though you determine if it's for profit. Space stations are can be expensive, but if you have a mind for logistics you can make them very profitable. You decide if it's smarter to build a product or components for products. You can put them anywhere and build on them like any ship. Find a nice route that's missing a single ingredient? Build a space station for it and make the route perfect.

    • Arrrgh, be a pirate! Seriously, raiding is extremely profitable and fun! It's also extremely dangerous. Eventually someone will send a raiding squad of 3-5 mercs to rip you apart and they will be designed to kill you. You can run or you can fight back, but in the end it's up to you. Winning that fight is quite worth it, but will test you. The only thing people care about is killing civilians, but if you're good enough can you just demand their stuff and they might just let you have it if you keep your word. Then again, if nobody sees it nobody knows... (yes, this is a game mechanic, there are no psychic guards)

    • Live a asteroid miner's life... or don't! Salvaging is quite the blast... sometimes literally! Mining makes money in this game, but so does crafting materials. It may seem boring at first to manually shoot rocks, but that's only until you make a giant processing ship that has 120 drones and commands 5 other ships. Or you can just tell them all do the work while you go do literally anything else. Least you can do is clean up the corpses of your enemies after you kill them. Wrecked ships have more than just explody bits.
    • The universe is huge and UNIQUE, but it has organization. Factions occupy areas and actively patrol them. Traveling traders will tell you were they come from so you can find their sectors. You can make friends with everyone, but there is profit in war and raiding. Everything, although random, is believable and generated in meaningful ways. Thought was put into this and everything makes sense. This isn't some half-arsed implementation, a lot of thought went into the generation engine.

    • Nothing is nailed down. Nothing in the game is anchored in place. Even the biggest asteroids and space stations can be moved if you have the force to do it. You follow the same rules as everyone else, and those rules are PHYSICS!

      Did someone say "force"?

    • It's pretty. Beauty is of course in the eye of the beholder, but the space in this game is just the right amount of "fantastic" while still allowing for a massive number of independently moving objects and a large number of online players to play together.
    • If you like playing online with others this is a perfect game to do that! No subscription fees! No microtransactions! No level caps or arbitrary barriers! Play with anyone immediately whenever you want! Up to 32 people can be on the server at once! Join any time according to your timezone and schedule!

      Power to the Users!
    • 100% procedural galaxy, factions, ships and stations, no new server is ever the same.
    • Command single ships or giant fleets
    • Build and customize your own ships or use those designed by others
    • large scale space combat with huge, fully destructible ships, as well as massive Boss Fights
    • Dozens of weapon types and upgrades; nearly endless loot to acquire
    • Dynamic trade system as well as smuggling; become the intergallactic mogul you always wanted to be
    • Enact diplomacy, offer alliances, make territorial claims... and go to war against anyone who opposes you
    • 32 Player Co-op Multiplayer! No bullshit!
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
    Dihm, SheepHugger, Denryuu2 and 2 others like this.
  2. Wolf Clearwater

    Wolf Clearwater Bullet Magnet Viking

  3. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl



    We will announce here and on Discord when the server is "officially launched".

    Currently, you will still need to opt into the newest Beta version (right click game->Steam game properties->Beta tab)


    To connect to your server manually, you'll need to use the in-game menus from within Avorion.

    • Launch the game and hit Multiplayer -> Join via IP as per the screenshot below.[​IMG]

    • Type in your server's IP address as per the screenshot below, and hit Join. You can also hit Add Server to add the server to your list for future ease of use.[​IMG]

      (don't forget to assign a server name)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    Wolf Clearwater likes this.
  4. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    Server down currently?
    Lardaltef likes this.
  5. Cauthonn

    Cauthonn New Guy Thrall

    It looks like it, i also cant join it.
  6. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    At the moment, yeah. It's a technical issue I'm hoping to resolve with customer support today.
    Solomance likes this.
  7. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Got in touch with Support. We think it was an issue with the last Beta patch. The issue appears to be resolved now. You will still need to opt into the newest Beta version (right click game->Steam game properties->Beta tab), but it should be working now. Keep in mind, server is still in test phase. Any progress you make right now might get wiped, but you can still save any ship designs you make for later.

    I'm hoping to have the server launched for real around March 9th.
  8. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    In hopes of correcting the server crashes, I have upgraded so we now have DOUBLE the processing power for our server.


    I have also updated the original guide (above) for connecting.
    Solomance likes this.
  9. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I've definitely been hiding under a few rocks as of late. Looks amazing!
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  10. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    "Hey... I heard Avorion hit its release date".


  11. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl