CUP - The Community Upgrade Project

Discussion in 'ARMA' started by Aspius, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    The Community Upgrade Project
    The Community Upgrade Project is the initiative to bring all the content of Arma 2 [+ OA and DLCs] from BI into Arma 3, upgraded to the Arma 3 feature set.
    Its goal is to provide those assets to the community as a mod ready to use in the game, and as an open-source repository for modders to build upon and learn from.
    1. Cooperative and coordinated effort to get a coherent port of Arma 2 content [+ OA and DLCs] from BI to ARMA 3 standards
    2. Full availability of all source material under share-alike license (APL-SA).
      In essence everyone can make use of the work to build mods on his own as long as he provides credits, shares also his sources and keeps the same license
    3. Release of the content in a coherent way
    MostlyHarmless and gihzmo like this.
  2. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

  3. Diffusion9

    Diffusion9 Made Some Friends Thrall

    Have they released the vehicles yet? CUP's always been of interest to me, but I haven't really had a lot of interest to committing until the vehicles get ported over. Arma 2 had such a great army selection for having such a strong mod community.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  4. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    No but they have started releasing the unit pack.