New player orientation night?

Discussion in 'ARMA' started by Skwisgaar, May 19, 2014.

  1. Daemonwulfe

    Daemonwulfe Well Liked Thrall

    Awesome, thanks! After I download, I just need to unzip them into the main ArmA folder if I remember correctly.
  2. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    Im also available to show new players the ropes. Poke me on TS.
  3. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    I'll fire up the Training Camp map for Meat & Mead and make sure MCC is functional.

    Please make sure training starts there and not on SRS. BSNS.

    Once folks have the hang of things (medical system, weapon safety, and movement) go ahead and drop into the main campaign.
    Skwisgaar likes this.
  4. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall


    New version of the Stratis Training map is on Meat & Mead.

    Xmed, Lifter, and MCC are active. Same mod-pack as SRS. BSNS.

    $!@# I'm drunk.
  5. The training map is bad ass! I recommend everybody try it out for weapons testing and vehicle (helicopter especially) practice. We can also use it to set up scenarios and practice runs for new players.

    I'm going to try and work in some more weapon testing for the Weapons Thread as well, at least get the LMG info updated.
    Daemonwulfe likes this.
  6. Daemonwulfe

    Daemonwulfe Well Liked Thrall

    Nice! I need to dust off my pilot skills. It's been a couple of years.
  7. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    So... Skwi was fucking awesome and gifted me ARMA. I'll be setting it up tonight.
  8. Boombuni

    Boombuni Well Liked Thrall

    My wife was nice enough to gift this to me as an early bday gift, so I'm setting it up and am excited to relearn Armas controls
    Trevnor, Skwisgaar and Sheogoraath like this.
  9. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I was actually thinking of mapping my flight controls to a Xbox controller.... then just pick that up when I want to fly.
  10. That should be do-able.
  11. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    One problem with using a controller for anything in ARMA.. It adds the 'ABXY' input prompts to EVERYTHING. Not bad if you're used to them on a console, but very annoying to see if all you use the controller for is flight.
  12. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Hrm... that's okay. I did used to play a bunch of Xbox, so I'm used to seeing those prompts. I'd use it for infantry as well... but we all know Mouse + Keyboard trumps controller in a FPS scenario