IMPORTANT Coronavirus

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hollister, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I was thinking they had the food contracts in place for the food to be at the various ports as per their itinerary.

    Then again with the size of operation in place they can simply manage the logistics and chalk it off to losses.

    And then there's always that risk of visiting a very small port when you're quarantined - and if that small port is already crowded as it is. But yea nothing unmanageable for the most part.

    Now, having a tiny port town on some island or so with a smaller economy and all it might require freight ships to bring in some supplies. Which again is not necessarily that difficult for a _shipping_ company.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  2. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    I'm sure the local governments take over some of the resupply and security duties during quarantines like this. They can't let people starve as it'd be bad PR.
    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  3. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Unless they -all- starve XD

    Edit: Though this being said, the odds of -every- person starving to death and not a single one managing to survive is pretty far fetched without some sort of outside interference. When the question goes from negligence to willful intent government people start to remember what happens in the likely event that they aren't able to run a perfect conspiracy.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  4. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    So how ya'll doing these days anyway? Any close contact yet? Looks like the US is finally doing something, even though we're weeks behind on ramping up testing supplies and proper equipment for front line staff. Oxygen and breathing equipment is going to be the biggest issue if it blows wide open.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  5. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Will, I was told to work from home until further notice, so that's nice.
    Sardonic and Lardaltef like this.
  6. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I'm actually driving to work tomorrow to pick up hardware to start working from home. Not sure how long yet. Some cases in the local area, but transit is a big thing.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  7. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    My company sent out an email asking if we have a windows 10 computer at home (yes), if it can support dual monitors (yes) and they want to know our internet speed (what we are paying for not what we are actually getting. Due to infrastructure (30 year old copper cable i know I'm not getting what we are paying for). So it looks like working from home is a possibility. Goddamn spectrum doesn't actually say. It looks like spectrum only offers 100 mbps speeds (here at least).
  8. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    I thought stuff was going to ramp up earlier but I guess that was just wishful thinking that I had a proactive government. With orlando being tourist central im completely shocked this place is not up in the numbers with New York or California.

    Ive actually been getting ready since china quarantined wuhan. Im not having to rush anywhere and freak out like other people are right now. Just sit back and relax. All the retail stores have no toilet paper that i know of or am being told. My store ran out in the morning and I was told by one of my managers others ran out the night prior. I have 2 packs of 18 rolls I got a month ago so no worries. Only other thing running out is hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray and wipes.

    I guess people are worried they wont be able to wipe their pampered ass with toilet paper in the months to come as people had been buying a cart or two full of it.

    Ive been telling people I work with for a while this was coming but most seemed to not listen and think its a joke. These past few days they have finally woken up while others still have their head in the sand. Can only lead a horse to water I guess. Only one person I work with was also getting ready when I was and hes just been laughing it up.

    My family in Italy are quite freaked out at the moment. They live in the friuli province which is not very far from the epicenter there. They live in a small town in the country so hopefully everything will be fine.
    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  9. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    I'm in Hawaii and so far its not so bad, but I work in the medical field (not a doctor or nurse) so every MD I talk to basically says "Yeah its here its just not being tested enough yet." So I'm assuming it'll blow up eventually. We have hurricanes so I usually have a 2 week supply of food at minimum, the nice thing is don't have to worry about water this time. Only issue is I have elementary school kids plus retired parents, so keeping them separate without any real issues happening yet is a bit of a relationship problem.

    And, since my wife is an actual emergency room doctor, PSA:

    Please do NOT go to the emergency room if you think you have corona unless you're actively dying or can't breathe on your own. At least in the US, and I would assume Canada, its better to call your emergency number or your physician and ask them where to go if you think you have it and just want to get tested. For example, my wife's ED had a bus roll up the other day where a full retirement home brought all their senior citizens to the emergency room to be tested just in case. 1) Bringing elderly to the emergency room without them being sick makes them vulnerable to any disease someone in the waiting room may have 2) The emergency room can't really help you. They may, and its a maybe, be able to test you, but they won't treat you unless you're actually very very sick and 3) If you do have corona virus, you may infect everyone there who doesn't have corona virus. So pleeease do not collapse your emergency rooms by going there without real proper cause, and even when you do have cause call your emergency number and tell them the issue and they can route you to the proper place. US emergency rooms literally are not allowed to turn you away no matter what the cause and it'll be a drain from dealing with actually dying patients.

    The main issue with the virus isn't the lethality, which is also very serious for elderly or those with pre-existing conditions, but the issue that it can overwhelm the medical system when too many people are sick at the same time. Stay separated, use medical services judiciously, and try not to get the kupuna (elderly) sick.
  10. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Stock price Feb 12: $347.45
    Stock price March 12: $154.84

    Locally we had one person at work on the production line sent home who because he 'was notified that family members with whom he had been in close contact were infected with the coronavirus.' There is only one person officially positive in our state. Displayed no symptoms but they are cleaning 'potential areas of exposure'.

    My co-workers in Bellevue are all in King County, they are all now working virtually, indefinitely depending on what the County recommends. One of them had a relation that was helping care for the nursing home in some form or fashion.

    Father is immune compromised, have an infant, 2.5 year old, nursing mother.

    Stores have empty shelves, incredible lines.

    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  11. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Oddly the lines here were not that bad. Also there is still TP in since stores. Maybe because there are so many goddamn stores. Like generally where there is 1 supermarket there are 2 or 3 others nearby. Also one of the neighboring counties had e coli in the water so people were buying bottled water like crazy.

    There are 2-3 presumptive positive cases in Mecklenburg county where I am not at my work (I guess that is positive test at a local facility but not CDC testing).

    Both parents in their 70s, dad has cancer (not aggressive but it is stage 4. Just floating around in his blood but not in any organs or doing anything). Mom had diverticulitis and was in hospital or rehab from October till shortly before Valentine's. When will 2019 end?
    SheepHugger likes this.
  12. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking


    - We quarantine to protect especially those in the risk groups.
    - It seems like the youth are not much affected (confirm?).
    - While most people will be fine even if infected the projections show millions of casualties on each continent if we don't react.

    - The society will not come to a grinding halt because of this, the need to maintain healthcare and food supply are much higher priorities than the quarantine itself and in worst case medical staff and people working with critical supply chains will be required to work as much as their condition permits them.
    - We're unlikely to see any actual rationing but it's also not impossible. Hoarding itself causes some supply issues. Even if there was rationing it would be limited to not all foods and goods and it would not be the kind of "Great War naval blockade" type of deal.

    - The healthcare system will be hit hardest and most likely to run out of supplies and also the healthcare staff will likely get infected in great numbers (for some reason there's no universal policy of just using proper filters and fully sealed masks) and they will largely have to work even when infected to keep their regular patients as well as the critical corona-infected ones treated.
    - In many places the healthcare system can be bolstered by the military and reservists who will be able to provide basic care for the less difficult to treat cases under supervision of professionals.

    Where I live we have two cases in the entire province. Fully expecting it to spread because frankly the quarantine measures in place are not from the Outbreak movie - can you recall the national guard being mobilized and the patients being isolated and food being provided to the infected by soldiers wearing full protection?

    Yea, seems like the primary mantra now is "masks won't help so we won't wear the actual proper ones either" and "you've been ordered to quarantine by this official directive - but you also have to do your own shopping and no one is actually monitoring if you just decide to hit the nightclub on Saturday".

    Not great, not terrible. Someone collected the statements from the Finnish National Health Institution - funny how they go on from month to month saying "oh, it probably notting"," did you hear something, that nothing", "don't worry, Wuhan is safe to travel to", "Milan and Italy are safe to travel to" and stuff like literally saying "Oh, no one in Europe is going to die to this" and "this is completely overblown" still being said in late February- early March.

    Well, at least we're having reactions now, now that the virus got all over the country. No, I won't give our officials a good grade for this. First pretending it's not going to be anything and then putting up the measures two steps after they would have been the right thing to do. Just saying.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  13. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    As i work for a hospital group, the infectious disease chief had an internal video meeting / QA for everyone. Basically they're seeing that full hazmat gear isn't called for, it spreads generally like the flu and they're mostly wearing droplet face covers but not anything close to full biohazard gear. He basically said the n95 masks aren't going to do any more good than a regular surgical mask, they're not wearing the n95s partially because they're on short supply but also because the evidence suggests they don't do anything more than other ones do. Kids are basically not getting seriously sick at all, but elderly fatality rates are very high in the 20%ish range, and basically anyone who needs to be intubated (oxygen tube down the throat) is basically going to die. If you're caring for someone with a virus, masks are good for everyone, but don't necessarily worry about it being n95 rated. Its an 'envelope' virus which generally do not survive well outside a body, so he's not too worried about it lasting on surfaces, but said it still needs study. That said, wash your hands, don't go to big crowds if you don't need to, keep the immune compromised and the elderly isolated for a week or two if you can.
    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  14. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    last I heard was up to 72 hours outside a body if the conditions were right (humidity I think). is that right? As far as what is known right now.
  15. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    So a TSA worker at Orlando international airport tested positive. The airport did around 54 million passengers for the year of 2019 if memory serves. Travel is down a lot right now though so hopefully they had been in far less contact with people than normal.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  16. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

    I'm in the epicenter of all things Covid in Pa. Go me! :crying:
  17. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

    Why are you liking that!?! You dickheads!
    SteelBear likes this.
  18. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    You'll be fiiiiineee.....

    Anyway, I'm now working from home.
  19. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    One person liked it and it caught on
    SteelBear, Hepatitis TK and Tuonela like this.
  20. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    With the way numbers are rising and when most countries are doing a national lockdown I'm going to say it is very likely it will happen this Friday the 20th.

    Number of known infected will be around 10k to 12k by Friday. Dr Fauci the top doctor on this said he is open to having a lockdown for 14 days. By then most people will be more willing to comply with such a lockdown because they will be taking this far more seriously. Will also give people a bit more to prepare.

    For Florida there is a government web map of cases by county.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020