IMPORTANT Coronavirus

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hollister, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    So I wonder if those college kids on spring break know college's have kicked most students off campus for distance learning. Will those go back and be like "where is everyone." "Why can't I get into my dorm". And other bullshit. Also since most schools I think extended spring break I doubt those kids have the money to stay that long (the extension).
  2. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Most of them appeared to be in such a drunken stupor I doubt they know much of anything
  3. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Yea, many among the staff are demoralized by these prospects and feel that it's like being punished for being able to take care of others. :unamused:


    Finnish government truly shines.

    Yesterday they announced that even children should refrain from visiting each other for play, etc.

    So we called of our daughter's birthday, she's a third grader.

    Today they then announced that 1-3 graders can resume school as normal.

    Oh my god. Their response is ALL over the place. Fucking incompetent idiots. First they were saying stuff like "It's ok to travel to Wuhan" and later "it's safe to travel to Italy" - you guys remember when I was wondering why flights have not been cancelled and there's no quarantine at airports?

    Well, appears they waited till it got loose in the country and now they're going back and forth with stuff.

    Stuff like shops holding openings and all, folks commuting to work, everyone has to shop and queue at shops like normal. But kids can't visit each other but they can go to school like normal? What the fuck.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
    Lardaltef likes this.
  4. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    ... But even if (22 and younger) rarely/never show/have symptoms they can still carry it. They are the main ones spreading it I think.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  5. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    They opened the younger children's schools because they basically assume anyone older is able to watch themselves and parents can go to work and the young kids being trapped at home is going to be an issue for adults needing to go to essential jobs. Conflicting but there's still a reason
    Lardaltef likes this.
  6. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    The government is probably freaking out and doesnt understand what to do. The one thing they do is that they do not want to become the next Italy. This is why they are trying to strengthen the medical industry in anyway they can. Confusing information from the government is because they just dont know what to do. They should just be going all in and being as proactive as they can so they dont become the next Italy. This means closing down everything possible and limiting as much movement as they can so the virus can no longer spread.

    The virus can only multiply and spread in a human. If humans dont interact and keep giving it to the next person it will go away. This is why china fully locked down everything. They tested people that are in constant contact with people before letting them work in delivering goods or at grocers. With massive limits to people inside a grocer at one time.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  7. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Hawaii just jumped from 16 to 32 cases overnight because 'we don't have community spread here'. Yea, we do. Shits about to get real over on the islands. My wife is also an Emergency Department physician so its about to get real fun. They're already unable to get refill their n95 masks and other equipment needed, her friends in other hospitals across the country are already running out of everything, especially New York. New York is going to be hit very, very badly. They're already maxing out their ventilators and reusing masks and gloves.
  8. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    They already initially said 1-3 graders who's parents have essential jobs or who can't take care of their kids at home due to work can keep their kids at school.

    Then they said that children should not visit each other to play together and so.

    And only then they said that it's OK for all the kids on 1-3 grades to go to school.

    I mean, come on, I have nothing personal against them but despite being the government they do actually make mistakes from time to time.

    Our national THL or Institute for Health and Welfare had their experts making announcements such as

    - Wuhan is safe to travel to
    - This is just common flu
    - People are just being hysterical
    - Italy is safe to travel to
    - Italy is overreacting to this

    Now there's a thing going about how THL has been presenting death projections where they literally copied all of the values from common flu - and how they had more than an order of magnitude of difference to the British group of scientists who projected more than 10x the amount of fatalities.

    In general, it seems like the government has been making mistakes but also they look like they have been trying to discuss it with all the experts and make informed decisions - only our THL is not best known for being a very reliable of efficient source among people who have been in touch with it's reports.

    I previously worked for a hospital district and one of my tasks was to analyze THL statistics. Their statistics essentially said that the capital has the best hospital district and ours was one of the worst. They had like 3 layers of weights applied to the final score, I demonstrated that removing any one of the weights completely shuffled the entire list as well as the THL's own district's position on the list.

    But I'm digressing.

    We have all the THL public announcements available where they have been downplaying this all and ignoring it entirely and giving recommendations that it's safe to travel to infected areas, people shouldn't worry about it and that there's no need to test or quarantine.

    Then the government acting based on their own national institution for health's best recommendations makes the wrong decisions but it's based on what they are being told by their own experts.

    And what these experts say conflicts with WHO and every other European and American group as well as continues to conflict with actual mortality statistics and the situation on the ground.

    20th January, THL: "It is unlikely that any cases will spread to Finland"

    21st January, THL leading expert: "Risk of epidemy in Europe is very low"

    22nd January, THL leading expert on WHO's emergency committee: "Sounds unnecessarily dramatic"

    24th January, THL notice: "Traveling in China or in Asia involves no significant risk of catching Wuhan-corona virus infection"

    29th January, THL supreme doctor: "According to initial information the China's virus is not especially contagious. We don't yet know if symptomless people can infect others at all"

    13th February, THL supreme doctor: "The risk to get infected at sites favored by Finnish tourists is relatively low for any individual person"

    15th February, THL expert: "It is unlikely that any people permanently residing in Europe will die of the virus soon"

    24th February, THL manager: "Italy's restrictions due to Corona are overmeasured. I think Italians were quite surprised here."

    26th February, THL: "North-Italy's skiing centers are not generally in these areas. Traveling through Milan's airport involves no increased risk of being infected"

    6th March, THL supreme doctor: "It is claimed online that 60% of Finns will get infected. Worst epidemy-zone data shows that 0.1% of population will get infected"

    10th March, THL: "Symptomless persons can return to school immediately"

    10th March, THL: "There are no benefits to cancelling public events. In worst case we'll only end up with the negatives"
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2020
    Lardaltef likes this.
  9. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Dihm and Wolf Clearwater like this.
  10. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    That’s because corporate told store managers to defy the shelter in place order and that they are considered essential business.

    So Governors are revoking their business license to operate within the respected states they are in.

    Someone had to be made a example of.

    Now they just need to go arrest and charge the people in corporate.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2020
  11. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    So apparently there are also FOUR asteroids heading in earths general direction and NASA says they will pass "close" to earth. Of course that is astronomically close so a few million kilometers away still. So I guess people are kinda freaking out about that too? I don't know why they would.
  12. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    People spreading rumors that the virus is fake and is meant to herd everyone around while getting ready for the real threat.. the asteroids.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  13. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Lardaltef and Dihm like this.
  14. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking


    Man, I didn't miss working from home.

    Then again at the lab everyone was constantly bothering me with nonsense too.

    What I need is an isolation tank.
    Wolf Clearwater and Lardaltef like this.
  15. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Hey, do you have a minute to hear about our Lord and Savior, Jerome Blake?


    SheepHugger and Wolf Clearwater like this.
  16. Wolf Clearwater

    Wolf Clearwater Bullet Magnet Viking


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  17. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    Cases are going to keep skyrocketing because they still havent learned from other countries mistakes. Grocery, pharmacy, supermarkets, and gas stations are still open. everyone is now funneling through these as they are the only thing still open to public. So people that are infected will also be going to these not knowing they have it and spreading it to everyone else going there. this is why everything needs to be shut down and i dont understand why they are not. There are also people that do know they have while not giving two shits about the quarantine order for them. Cousin just had to deal with something like that.

    Cousin working at a in store pick up service. They sent a girl out with the stuff to deliver to the car. It wasnt till after everything was done the girl noticed they had sign explaining they have the virus. The people didnt even tell this girl about them being infected or anything during the entire time she was interacting with them at their car. it wasnt until after she noticed the sign and said something they came forward with it. They separated her from everyone working then immediately sent her home and doing everything to get her checked out at a hospital.

    Here is a good world tracker if you are looking for one.

  18. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    and retarded college kids on spring break.
    SheepHugger and Wolf Clearwater like this.
  19. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    We started with the pre-packed and collected service at our market - make the order online, edit it if needed and they'll inform when it's ready to be picked up. So only I go and just quickly grab it while maintaining my distance. This only costs 5€.

    There's also home delivery for 16€ but I figure that it is not essentially different - I still have to meet the worker. We already anyway preferred shopping for the whole week but now we just make sure we get along with one weekly supply run. As long as the pickup desk worker doesn't actually cough at me I should be fine.

    EDIT: I just checked the email and I only have to park to the rear end of the market and text them and they'll carry the shoppings to my car! Nice.

    Some virologists insist that this will in any case reach up to 60% infected - but at least we can influence the rate at which it spreads.

    The Defense Forces announced that if need be they may call in reservists to provide any required support for the authorities. With all of these idiots saying "I don't care for others" and "now is our last chance to go on a trip before enforced curfew" I expect that indeed due to them we may have to consider actually enforcing a curfew. Since we don't have a whole lot of police it would be difficult to enforce a curfew without deploying some reservists. We have some of the least police per capita in the world and they're overwhelmingly stacked to the capital. I wonder if they can enforce it even in the capital on their own.

    But we're not there yet.

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
    Lardaltef and Wolf Clearwater like this.
  20. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Hawaii finally put in an incoming traveler quarantined and basically shut down the whole state starting today. Waaaaay too late.