Discussion in 'ARMA' started by MostlyHarmless, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

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    So after getting back to the states I found that not only is ARMA 3 alive and well nearly 7 years after release, it can be played in VR now.

    While not natively supported, the third party program vorpX allows full 3 dimensional projection to your headset while using opentrack to provide for head tracking from your headset to ARMA as a simulated TrackIR input.

    There are some guides to pull it off, but none are really fantastic, or even good at times. If you want to give it a try I can send you the links but probably better to walk through it with you.

    Both flying and ground operations are possible, the only unfortunate part is that you are limited by the resolution of your headset so spotting targets at a distance is more difficult. Also because all the models render in 3d and you can move your head to aim down the sights you start running into issues with parallax causing the aiming reticle to move around as you move your head around. The solution is to use weapons with iron sights and any of the 2D scopes from mods which eliminate this issue for the most part.

    The first two days left me with some issues with motion sickness from the head tracking being off but after further adjustment of the curves I have it 95+% fixed so that after 4+hrs I am still fine with no issues. It is not as smooth as dedicated VR support, but it is quite playable and I'm not likely to go back to my triple screen setup again for it.

    Also a suicide bomber is terrifying in VR!! as is walking around the corner and literally bumping into a patrol!

    SheepHugger likes this.
  2. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

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    The game's own "VR support" was atrocious!

    I've been so looking to this game in VR. And indeed when I made the weapon sights / crosshairs for the VR mech it is quite different from making just the 2D version of a HUD. It's not hard but it just required two different UI systems, one for 2D and one for VR. If it's designed for VR originally it's easier to make a modification to 2D screens but it doesn't go as easily the other way round.

    So yea, less dynamic UI objects and steering clear of them could help in ARMA 3.