First light wave quantum teleportation achieved

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Xaeon, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. Xaeon

    Xaeon New Guy Thrall

    Seems pretty damn intersting.... Any comments?
  2. ScrewCityChris

    ScrewCityChris Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    that is cool as hell!!!
  3. click

    click Professional Troll Thrall

    it's 90% hype. relaying and referencing "quantum weirdness superposition" is like saying, "If we could survive a trip to the center of the black hole, backwards time travel would be possible." The quantum world and physical world do not "nicely" overlap in such a way where this has any real bearing on "teleportation" Light based communication is fiber-optic and has been around for a while now, and unless you plan on moving to the other side of the solar system light based communication relays information fast enough to where we cannot tell a difference (as humans who are LAN'ing lol). I hate science news.
  4. Xaeon

    Xaeon New Guy Thrall

    I think it was more directed towards the supercomputing angle. I agree teleportation is a long way away if it's ever possible.
  5. click

    click Professional Troll Thrall

    Right, and there is no way for us to use "quantum superpositioning" to relate data to atomic particles. If we were quantum particles this news would mean something, but we aren't
  6. Grim

    Grim Made Some Friends Thrall

    Could be important for manned trips to Mars...Instant communication. Or probes that we send beyond the edge of our solar system could instantly transmit the pics and whatnot.
  7. click

    click Professional Troll Thrall

    I'm going to strangle the both of you...
  8. Grim

    Grim Made Some Friends Thrall

    Like David Carradine?
  9. click

    click Professional Troll Thrall

    The "Hang and Wack" is the best way to achieve maximum pleasure from the male orgasm. Don't mock it.
  10. Grim

    Grim Made Some Friends Thrall

    I'll ask ole Dave next time I see him.
  11. click

    click Professional Troll Thrall

    It's alright, one day you will get over you're preconceptions about sexuality and you'll be better for it too.
  12. RandomH3r0

    RandomH3r0 New Guy Thrall

    I hate science headlines more than science news. They usually give up the ghost in the details like a headline of "Teleportation Technology: The next big thing" and then in the details are like "It's a quantum particle moved 1/1000 of a micrometer, so nothing will likely come of this but it means a lot for quantum physics and computing" or something similar.
  13. Gruknor

    Gruknor New Guy Thrall

    That is common practice in the news business and it is annoying.