Melee Battle grounds.

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Manco, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    I posted about this before. The makers of the Crpg mod for M&B Warband. The best mod i have ever played in any game period.

    They been funding this themselves to recently, Then the fans of Crpg funded them. Now there secured some private funding, Don't worry no publishers.

    This is a game that is really worth keeping eye on. The melee combat is hands down the best i ever used. This is their latest vid. A pre alpha castle building demo....Oh and the team have even had there own song for the game made.

    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  2. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    looks like competition for Life Is Feudal.
  3. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    They sound track they made for the game is awesome, Should be the Borg theme song for SC.
  4. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Thought so too - that building system could be adapted easily for a sort of open-world RvR.

    I just realised how the Indies are now really getting into their stride. Also I realised I haven't given money to publisher in ages.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  5. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Hear hear. "60$ for what you bought last year, will need to buy 3 separate addons 30$ each and then there's the micropayments.."

    Edit: Forgot "and that cool feature is no longer feasible but will be included in the first expansion pack that costs 40$"
  6. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Pub: I'm sorry, Mr Developer, but your 'vision' doesn't really line up with our release schedule.
    Dev: But this feature is critical and it isn't done yet!
    Pub: Then remove it...
    Dev: It doesn't work that way! It'll be a buggy mess and we have to deliver on our promise!
    Pub: Then you have two weeks to sort out the bugs. Besides, we can add the feature as paid DLC afterwards. Should look good from an after-sales income POV too...

    Big business (in all fields, not only gaming) is home to the slimiest human backwashed shit that ever defiled the earth. It's all about the bottom line. The marketing budget on the big titles alone is staggering, and I am only left to wonder why you have to spend more money selling a game than you did making it?
    SheepHugger likes this.
  7. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    So glad that at least there are places you can sell a game without a publisher.

    It's also funny how when you're an indie no one will bother as much as read your attempts to contact them.

    But yea, really happy about the grassroots level indie phenomena. I personally started to learn programming because I thought the whole industry had lost it. I can see a lot of other people drew similar conclusions years ago. Now we're getting sweet games like these :)
  8. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Lol - just checked out their kickstarter.

    Yes, boys and girls, a whole game with more talent and less bullshit, more creativity, all for a whopping $21

    That's right, less than Mass Effect's day-one-DLC.

    Soon as I make up my mind, I'll so pledge for this.
  9. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    check out Evolve game with little content and a whole £100.00 of DLC. Wonder how much EA will want for the full Battlefront game.
  10. Atomic_Guppy

    Atomic_Guppy Well Liked Thrall

    How are they selling the game? Looks like their Kickstarter ended without meeting goal.
  11. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    They did say if kickstarter failed they will still carry on making the game. The kick started ended a while ago now and lots of progress has been made. This is a bunch of modders or lived in various parts of europe who made the Crpg mod.

    Now there all moved into the same house together which is also the studio. Every single penny is being putt into the game. The got a big chunk of funding from the CRPG community.
  12. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Unlike the millionaire game makers who are not ready to spend a dime on a game and only have 5 different black and white "art sketches" for the whole project they're looking to fund with millions through kickstarter, some people actually care about their games despite not being wealthy and are willing to fund them from own pocket with whatever it takes to do so. For them Kickstarter is just a way to allow them to better focus the game and finish it faster and bigger, not to see whether it's worth their precious time or not while collecting full 150k salary for themselves if KS campaign succeeds.
  13. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Somehow - actually poring through the forums to find out seeing as they are still actively developing AI as of Jan 28th 2015... check it out.

    So development's not stopped, and they already have 2 years of work done on the engine.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  14. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    If I had money right now, they'd have it.
  15. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    If they had a storefront, they'd have mine too lol
  16. Atomic_Guppy

    Atomic_Guppy Well Liked Thrall

    Mine as well. I got that they were still working on it, I just thought I was missing the "buy it now" button somewhere.
  17. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    If you are, so am I - I'll try rifle through the forums to see if I can find a way to support this.