Of Kings and Men

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by LagCat, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker

    So this game just went into early access and it looks pretty neat... it's kind of like a pseudo-MMO mount and blade style game. 200 or so players on a server leading "clans" who build settlements and try and build power bases. I really like the premise and can't wait to see what the city building brings to the game.

    MagnusEffect likes this.
  2. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    I started playing this and it's really good. The combat is similar to M&B but much smoother.

    You enter a stance by pressing LMB. There are 8-9 stances (depending on weapon) from which you can attack and block from. You can move through these stances fluently and you don't have to release your LMB to choose a different stance (unless you are using lock stance). You don't need to perfectly mirror the opponent's attack in order to block, you can normally be 'off one stance'
  3. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    So this is my first impression of the game. I have currently played for 4 hours. Game was released into early access on the 25th august and i'm writing this on 30th august.

    I initially bought this to have something to play while waiting for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. I can say that i was very surprised by the game. In its current stage the game contains the combat system, a couple game modes for it and the progression system.

    The combat system works really well and personally i think it's one of the best out there. There are some issues with the hitboxes. Sometimes an attack will go straight through your shield and sometimes you will magically block an attack from behind. I don't find it to happen that often though so it's not that big of a problem but the devs are aware of it and working on it.

    Don't have that much to say about the progression system. You use it to unlock new weapons and armors. Everything feels useful and there is nothing that is too overpowerd.

    Talking about performence is always hard but what i can tell is that people have had mixed results with it. For me personally it runs well. I use the highest settings and I don't notice any lag or FPS drops even when there is 160 players on the server.

    OS: 64 bit Windows 7
    Processor: Intel Core I7 4770k 3.50GHz
    Memory: 16GB Ram
    Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series (Don't remember what the specific card is but oh well)

    Overall, I'm really liking this game and i will definetly be spending alot more time in it. If anyone have any questions about the game i will answer to the best of my abilities.
    LagCat and Solis Obscuri like this.
  4. Redemptor

    Redemptor New Guy Viking

    It does look pretty neat. But after all the early access disappointments I really don't want to jump in the bandwagon.

    On the other hand they do have decent roadmap.

    At the moment it might be decent fighting simulator, but now idea how the game will be in the end. I believe for me it is better to join in beta stage.

  5. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    My recommendation at this point is to wait.

    The community was really good during the weekend, the players were really helpful and there were good discussions in the chat about tactics, formations, how to counter stuff and what would come in the future.

    Then the game got some popularity and the community have changed into a very toxic one over a day. Monday, the community was still good. Tuesday, you started seeing some really toxic people. Today (Wednesday), the amount of toxic players have increased alot.

    There are complaints about everything, most of it is unfounded and straight up idiotic. One of the biggest things people are complaining about are 2h spammers. Basically, what people do is they use a 2 handed weapon and then run around spamming attack. It's effective cause people don't know how to block. As usual, instead of pointing out their own lack of knowledge in how to block. They claim its unbalanced.

    So again, my recommendation is to wait a week or 2 and alow all of them to disappear. I have a very hard time to believe that many of them will stay for long.

    Anyway, more proper news.

    "Epic" gets released tomorrow. Epic is the name for the first version of faction warfare and all of that.
    MagnusEffect and Solis Obscuri like this.
  6. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    The release of epic proved to be an epic fail and have therefore been delayed.

    Also, as I said would happen. The community have gone back to mostly being good again.