Official Derailed thread... Wait, what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Zaius Ex, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    Reminds me of an old Boy Scout joke. Soldier says to his commander, we're unarmed and outnumbered and the enemy is upon us, what do we do? Commander says, no problem, just use psychological warfare. Guy comes up to you, just stick your hand out and say "stabbity-stabbity-stab." The soldier tries this and dang if it doesn't work. But now the enemy is massing on them, so he has to fall back. And he points and says "bangity-bangity-bang" and a bunch of them fall over dead. And they're holding their own for a while. Until this one guy comes over the horizon. And they're "bangity-bangity-bang" and "boomity-boomity-boom" and nothing phases him. He just rolls right over them saying "tankety-tankety-tank."
    Solomance and Lardaltef like this.
  2. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Until one day, some exceptional guardsman said "Deathstar" and the planet was never seen again.
    Lardaltef, SheepHugger and j.p. like this.
  3. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Shit we actually shout "SHOT SHOT SHOT" and "BURSSSST! BURSSST!" during training when not armed with live or blank rounds. It's about the only time when our doctrine allows burst fire on an assault rifle too! Fricking Finnish elvish doctrines and all except I think the Eldar don't really like massed artillery. More like Eldar tactics with IG artillery...
    Lardaltef likes this.
  4. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Carrier take-off, firing missiles, firing of a ship based cruise missile, missile hit on a target ship, some pidgeons and finally a carrier landing.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  5. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

  6. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    This is great!
    Lardaltef likes this.
  7. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

  8. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Quote of the day

    "You are only really building muscle when your training is no longer fun"

    Oh, definitely not fun. I would actually say - the opposite of fun! :glee:

    But the feeling of success - now that's something to offset the suffering. And besides, it's not wrong that this sinful flesh is punished in such ways.

    And what a grind it is. No visible results for long periods of time. This is where the 'before' picture and measurements kick in 4.5 months from now, the first milestone and first "glance back". Not even going to bother trying to take any selfies before then - I mean, I'm not even sure that I'd want to share the 6 month picture anyway, this stuff is going to take some time.

    However the insane +10% total work per week in these beginning weeks is going to immediately translate to fencing really well. I started out with very weak legs and upper body. Nothing like having more muscle and force with which to move a sword!
  9. Orcinus

    Orcinus Veteran DovaOrca Berserker

  10. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

  11. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    When I was in high school a girl who sat next to me turned around and apropos of nothing messed my hair up. It took me about ten years to realize that I probably should have asked her out later. Honestly if anything oblivious is a gross understatement.
    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  12. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I feel this in my bones. So... so many missed opportunities.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  13. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    In all seriousness though, women want a man to pick up on their hints because to them, it shows you're interested enough in them to pick up on the subtlety... Unfortunately, men brains don't wire that way. We look for threats and and insults, not hints and compliments. I also recognize too late the subtle hints of attraction, unfortunately the few who still show any interest these days tend not to be the kind I'm looking for. *shrug*
    Lardaltef and SheepHugger like this.
  14. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I'm still confused as to when I was at a hospital on a check up post surgery and to do some water therapy and I was in the shower after the pool and just as I got out of the shower this young pretty nurse shows up "can I help you get clothed..." and then just stops to stare at my profile. As a timid young start of a man I was not too confident at that moment.
    -"Uh no thanks I'll get clothed myself"

    Managed to get my boxers on and she just stormed in without asking and I was by my locker, no one was using the whole basement area we were in and she went up to my locker in front of me with "I'll help you with the rest".

    Then she stood between me and the locker, turned her back on me and bent over to grab my clothes. And stayed there for a few seconds.

    And my head was going like Nagumo's bridge "TORPEDOS OR BOMBS? TORPEDOS OR BOMBS?" or more literally "would I go to jail, would I go to jail, would I go to jail..."

    I decided not to roll that dice and man has it bothered me ever since. :eek:

    Nowadays I can understand some of the more direct approaches. Two weeks ago as I was leaving the bar some businessy older lady literally tried to drag me to the hotel across the street and I had to fight myself free. Finnish women are something else sometimes, as the saying goes:

    "If she's after her mother she'll give, if she's after her father she'll beg for it " :glee:

    "Stop objectifying me and respect my freedom!" :wat:
    Lardaltef likes this.
  15. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    Hospital's quite a different situation--seeing skin is just another day at the office and nurses have places to be. If anything she she probably preferred you keeping things strictly professional. Heaven knows how often she must get hit on just trying to do her job.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  16. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Yup! Thanks, that'll close the case for me!
  17. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Probably for the best, she'd have to do something explicitly direct to really call that a come-on. It's possible she was, but more likely she was just making sure you didn't hurt yourself trying to get dressed.
  18. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Yea, I guess I was just very thrown off by her taking so damn long staring at me initially. But I don't own a time machine so it's destination is not my concern.
  19. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

  20. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking