SoR Dayz Server Information

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Gabvid, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Gabvid

    Gabvid Buttcheeks on the leather seats Berserker

    So I've been trying to find some troubleshooting regarding the vehicle repair bug but it seems like no other servers are having this problem which leads me to believe it's a database error. I would suggest Axe sets the vehicle damage to 1 on all vehicles, effectively destroying them and spawning new vehicles which hopefully will not have the bug. This will of course mean that everyone will have to find new vehicles.
  2. 00dlez

    00dlez New Guy Thrall

    Fine by me, I got screwed over last week by vehicles anyway... I had 2 reparied vehicles, then thanks to glitches, lost both and died, losing a coyote backpack and FNL w/ night vision... Ya'll were bout to get bandited...
  3. UnknownTarget

    UnknownTarget Well Liked Thrall

    fine by me
  4. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    All's well.
  5. Deathwatch050

    Deathwatch050 Well Liked Thrall

    I managed to get onto the server today and played about 2 1/2 hours at nighttime. I'll probably be on later this evening (GMT) so if anyone wants to meet up somewhere around Elektro I'd be up for it. My character is currently at the top of a dock crane on the shore away from the zombies.

    Also, it's just my luck that I find loads of different types of ammunition but no guns at all. :p I'm carrying around a DMR mag, two Lee Enfield mags, some shotgun slugs and some buckshot.

    I *do* have loads of bandages though.

    And pepsi.

    Lots of pepsi.

  6. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    Cokeist! You discriminate against coke! Equal drinkatunity!
  7. Axevid

    Axevid Made Some Friends Viking

    So I've noticed a significant drop in interest and activity on the server in this game lately. How many are still playing and feel that the server should be kept up?

    If the playerbase is to small it kind of ruins the fun as well, I'm thinking of shutting it down until the interest increases again. It feels a bit of a waste since its currently running on its own computer at my place. Pending replies here I might shut it down in the end of the week. If there's a rise of interest again everything will still be saved and its a fairly quick job of getting it up and running again.
  8. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    My distance from the server prevents me from doing much as the Zeds are never where they appear to be and I end up being killed from behind while they appear in front of me. Until I get to some place that has non-shitastic internet I cant really participate.
  9. OverdriveMT

    OverdriveMT New Guy Thrall

    I did not see this post.. and was sad to see server go away :sad: