Official Derailed thread... Wait, what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Zaius Ex, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    This guy's started a series on the dungeon design of a bunch of the Zelda games.

    Hollister likes this.
  2. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

  3. Iron Fang

    Iron Fang Well Liked Thrall

  4. Iron Fang

    Iron Fang Well Liked Thrall

  5. Iron Fang

    Iron Fang Well Liked Thrall

  6. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  7. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Reminds me of people who wear winter jackets and scarfs at 10C (50F).
    Iron Fang likes this.
  8. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    To be fair she didn't specify what she needed help with.
  9. Iron Fang

    Iron Fang Well Liked Thrall

    That shit be freezin' cold man! (J/K I used to live in Alaska, Canada, Minnesota, Idaho, Germany, and Syracuse, I know what cold is too...)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
    SheepHugger likes this.
  10. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    Fixing the sound and CD-ROM on the Nintendo Playstation.

  11. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    If she can't handle finding a divorce attorney by herself, then I don't know what to say as she should only need help with her car troubles.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  12. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    also she could joined in and made a threesome. happens in pornos (sure they are scripted that way but that doesn't mean it COULDN'T happen).
  13. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    -40 is when you start considering using a hat.
  14. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    What kind of hat? The one with ear flaps? Covers your ears.
  15. Iron Fang

    Iron Fang Well Liked Thrall

    How about this hat?[​IMG]
  16. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    We need specifics. Hats are important. They determine the rest of your outfit.
    Wolf Clearwater likes this.
  17. Moro Ibex

    Moro Ibex Moderator Hirdman

    This is Rick and Morty guy reading an honest to god transcript from a Georgia court case. This actually happened in a court room. NSFW towards the end.
    Pidian, j.p., Lardaltef and 1 other person like this.
  18. Wolf Clearwater

    Wolf Clearwater Bullet Magnet Viking

    "You have a constitutional right to be a dumbass..."
    Iron Fang, Pidian and Lardaltef like this.
  19. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  20. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking
