Naval Action

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by KillBox, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    The only reason I'm vacillating is because I can't decide if I want to buy in now, or wait for the Steam Pre-Order - if they confirm that they'll give us a Steam Key with the current pre-order system, I'm down.
  2. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    BrutishVulgarian sounds familiar...
  3. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Also from the SC Forums. Actually, I clicked a link he posted on the SC Forums about NA and that's where I discovered Naval Action for the first time and posted about it here.

    Posted loads of videos about the game too.
  4. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Sounds familiar before that...
  5. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Can't help you there mate - only met him on the SC forums a while ago.

    That said, it's confirmed BTW - if you pre-order via the website, they'll send you a Steam Key once the Steam version is ready, which according to the devs, is 'soon'.

    It was delayed because of Valve requiring at least a playable alpha of the Open World - of which we know the West Indies are a part of. A conservative guesstimate places the Steam release at the end of October or mid-November.

    Also, they already have a game Greenlit and released on Steam: Ultimate General - Gettysburg. Apparently one of the best game you can buy for 10 bucks.
  6. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Yeah, just trying to figure out if I knew him at all from my PotBS days - fucking memory;s broken lately it seems.
  7. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    He was a Brit on the Roberts EU server - I mostly play(ed) on Antigua. If you played on Roberts, then likely you would recognise the name.
  8. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    You played on tiggy? I played on the beard till it closed, then transferred there.
  9. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Aye - have been on Tiggy for a while. I'm in a pretty big Frog Society - your toon still active? What nation?
  10. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Used to be fairly active in Spain, got lost in the reshuffle after getting into some serious shit with dickweed once he took over chief dev (which I don't think was entirely an accident).


    Those assclowns make Russ look good...
  11. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Are you forum banned or game-banned?
  12. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Forum. But like I said, my migration got screwed up.
  13. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    So did mine - well, when they moved from FLS to Portaloos. I lost my old char, had to start again not too long ago and ground my way back up again.

    To pull this back on topic, have a gander.

    Scroll down to the post made by "admin". They held that poll in Feb, and the models are pouring in as of yesterday.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  14. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Also - just pre-ordered. Apparently not only to the send you a Steam key for when Early Access starts, but they let you into the current state Beta as well.

    I have to wait until tomorrow for a response from admin, but it seems like I will be posting screenies of this fine Beta soon enough.
    Orcinus and Solis Obscuri like this.
  15. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    I haven't seen an e-mail yet...
  16. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    I sent the admin a PM asking what we can expect and when we can expect it - though he's pretty clear, pre-orders get the current Beta as well.
  17. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Here you go - you'll get a mail soon I imagine.
    Solis Obscuri and Sean Agilwulf like this.
  18. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    Update - Beta build for pre-orderers in 3-4 weeks.

    I can hear the press-gangs already...
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  19. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    navel action.
    and more naval action
  20. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    She appears to have some sort of abnormal growth